
Well-Known Member
I think what happened was: you got stoned, ate some burgers, watched a movie, went to taco bell, went home, and i dont know after that but i would assume finished the movie and taco bell then passed out... lol


Well-Known Member
Doesnt look mexican, that shits always brown...lol But looks like some everyday bag i use to get back home. It was good but not the best, and could always look forward to have some seed per bag...;) It got me hella high though...looks leafy.


Active Member
haha actually about that taco bell lol i did went to go get it at like 4am lol when i got there i realize i was driving without my wallet so i had no ,money, insurance or even my license on me

i went back home and passed out, hah didn't get my tacos ):



Active Member
Man im so jealous i have some ok regs i only bought a nick bag and rolled a blunt and got me high for about 2 1/2 hours. but then again its the first time i smoked i a week .I wish I could be you and have exotic bud instead of being stuck with reggies i hate smokin regs. I just want a whole oz of some funk one time and just smoke it all in a week. :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Active Member
And believe me you will smoke the hole oz lol that was my problem every time ,get a good 0z, plan on sellin it then bang ..its all gone haha
good times


Well-Known Member
damn $20 for a half thats either really shitty poopoo bud or you got a pretty good deal the shitty bud im used to goes for about $45-50 for a half o but i dont really like smokin the regs it gets me high but it takes alot of it and by the time i get high im really tired the only time i like to smoke it is if im just gonna be chillin at my house or a friends house cause it makes me wanna do nothin but chill


Well-Known Member
lol i live in arkansas the prices keep going up and down quater 25 dollers oz 40 no more then 40 i ben tradeing pill for my weed for the lats 3 months.

i ben geting some good bud thos its ben a a lil dark green with white fuzzy hairey crystal lookikng things on it gets me tooo fucked up i dont like it.Makes me feel really sleepy. Dont know wat it is but i dont liek it i got some weed that look liek that oz in that pic you started it off in i liek it makes me fly just right all day.


Well-Known Member
30 minutes i'm stilled stoned off this shwag lol i'm so happy i'm watching grandma's boy lmao that scene when he was baking in his grandmas oven and went to take a bong hit after, then went to check it lmao i don't wanna ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet hahahahahahahaha :mrgreen:

"Do I have deer antlers?" hahahaha :hump::weed:
Na, but your walking like frankenstein!!
Thats good shwag. I've bought better, but its still good. At least its not brick weed.
Try either rolling a joint, or a blunt.
If you do a blunt, you will prob get a light headache when your almost down, and if you roll a joint, you will get good and stoned.


Yeah that stuff looks pretty ok. Personally i smoke "shwag", if thats what you wanna call it, all the time, i cant afford the pricey stuff too often, but i dont discriminate about reggies or KB its all pot to me as long as it dont give me a headache. i had some reggies last night, some of the best shwag ive ever smoked, the buds were light green, and very fluffy and some stanky shit at that, no seeds and 6.2g for 20 bux, try and get 6.2g for 20 bux buying KB, aint gonna happen most likely unless its some shitty ass KB. But anyways, good pics bro. keep blazin!