1.5 mon to flower


Active Member
hey folks...
In the first place ,i want to thank all of you for helping me.i haven't tought that i can grow anything....but actually i have grow it 1.5 months...and still healthy.:-P
so i think maybe i can flower them now,cos' as i know once flower them , they'll double the size before the end,i really afraid it happen , cos' i place them in a dos cage:sad:...the height is limit.

my question is what's the advantage and disadvantage if i flower them now or younger??will i lose much bud?
and i want to get some clone,but till now i have no idea about their gender. Can i clone them in the flowering phase??or can i tell the gender now??
Yes,i know i have too many questions,but i really hope someone answer me , even a careless answer:-o


Well-Known Member
why not take your cuttings b4 you flower then flower main plant while clones root if the main 1 is a female you have lots of clones rooted by the time you find out


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm...1.5 months is pretty good for the veg stage and they will double or triple in size during flowering so I would say to start flower asap and take a few clones before you do. If the plant turns out male then its all for nothing, but if it turns out female then you are good :)
You will be able to tell the gender within a few weeks of 12/12


Well-Known Member
you can clone in flower stage
lots of people do.. it helps if your not 100 percent sure on the sex.

tho this being said (the fact that it can be done during flower)
theres a lot of contraversy on when is the best time veg or flower,
people have mixed oppinions.
id say veg if you know there female tho (but like i said thats my opinion)
others may still say flower. so yeah but to answer your question yes you can clone during flower "but try do it early ok."

its up to you if you want take a few cuttings now keep it growing till its big enough to change and get more cuttings,

Then see if its female then take some more.
taking the cuttings will stress the mum tho. if done well shouldnt be too much tho.
once u know shes female take some more cuttings and finish,
make one of the cuttings the new mum "you want but you dont want to do this too many times."
if thats what you do get that 1 of the first cuttings u got before u started flower (which should be veging at the time) make the best one your new mum

and naturally if you grow a bigger plant well youll get more yield.
think about it, it gives you more points to bud from.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm...1.5 months is pretty good for the veg stage and they will double or triple in size during flowering so I would say to start flower asap and take a few clones before you do. If the plant turns out male then its all for nothing, but if it turns out female then you are good :)
You will be able to tell the gender within a few weeks of 12/12
wow you beet me nobody had posted when i started mine lol :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm...1.5 months is pretty good for the veg stage
It depends on the lights.

When I veg under my 600HPS vs my T5 fluoros I get way faster growth rates. My 600 can veg my plants bigger in a few weeks than my fluoros can in a couple months.

I agree on the cloning part. It's good to know your sex before investing too much time. I wouldn't reccomend taking clones from flowering state though. It's not the worst thing if you have to do it but if you have the option to take clones during veg its the better road to take, IMO.


Active Member
sorry..i have one more simple and stupid question. cos' i think they are too thin to clone now~~~how thick of stem shall i clone them properly??