1.5 months old approx

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
the massive amount of messages confused me
6 hours of light/18 hours of complete darkness for flowering [this will not shock your plant] use either soft white bulbs or red cfls

for vegitation 18 hours of light under 6500k cfls/6 hour of complete darkness
have a fan constantly blowing your plants just enough to make them "dance"

when the lights are on open the door and close it every now and then to reduce the possibility of heat stress on your plants
^^^^^^only do this part wen using lights that give off heat^^^^^^

hint.cfls dont give off allot of heat
soft whites do


Active Member
never heard 6/18 before but ill try it is it better than 12/12 for flowering?? i have cfl 2700k bulbs but do the put off red light cuase i have not seen no red cfl before, and what is soft white bulbs like the on is peoples houses regular bulbs. they put off good light to grow?? i


Active Member
IVE READ ALOT OF MORE LIGHTS THE MORE POETINCY OF BUT SO IN U GO 6/18 IT WONT GET ENOUGH LIGHT if more the light bulbs more bud poenticy that just dont sound right fred have you done 6/18 for months or what have u been experecing on the light hours is it better than 12/12 quicker flowering time of better budds ???