1.5 week old autoflower problem, brown spot


Active Member
Hey guys, been a while since i've been on here. I moved not too long ago, and finally got the chance to start a plant. I got everything set up, and she seems to be doing well, but now im seeing these two spots that seem to be getting larger. I never had to PH the water at my old place, but the water at this place has a PH of 8 right out of the tap. Today I PH'd the water to about 6.5, and flushed her with that. Any and all help you guys can offer would be great, and I really really appreciate it!!!

A little about my set up:
Automazar, feminized
Pro-mix BX
Blackstar LED 240W
No nutes as of yet



Well-Known Member
My plants never look perfect. She be fine. Just keep on top of the ph. And let her get real dry b4 next water. If anyone else gives you advice that contradicts mine, you should prob take it.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to worry about , she is still young . Wait until mature leaves are showing then if there are problems it will be easier to identify .


Active Member
Well, things have gotten much worse guys. The two affected leaves are now dry and crunchy, and newer leaves are now affected. The leaves are cupping upwards as well. Any new ideas? Any help is greatly appreciated, I really don't want to lose image.jpg her!!!


Well-Known Member
All plants are fickle ... My chocoskunk is on 1.5 week also ( water only ) and on 24/0 CFL.
I noticed a leaf clip but not giving it to much thought. I Foliar DynaGro Protekt but no nutes in soil. ( Fo x Farm Ocean will give its own nutes for at leat 2-3 weeks ).

Maybe your mix is a little hotter than most. image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hello mate, firs thing I would mention is that LED grow light has some UV spectrum diodes. So it turns oxygen(O2) in the air to ozone(O3), and ozone is very harmful to young seeding at this concentration. Put your LED panel 30" above your plant, and slowly work it's way down as plant gets bigger.
However this spots on the leaves look more like multiple nutrient deficiency(calcium and nitrogen). Usually you need to start feeding your plants as soon as third set of true leaves start to show up, at 1/4 the recommended amount. To make your nutrient solution you need to have PPM reader(TDS), check your tap water with your reader, if PPM below 200, then you need to add some cal/mag additives until your PPM reach 200. Than add your main grow nutrients at 1/4 recommended amount, next watering use 1/2 and so on. Always keep an eye on the tips of the leaves, if they start to change colour, next watering start at 1/4 again, do the same with bloom nutrients. Also I would advice you to use some silicon additives every other watering. And very important thing, do not mess around with pH when growing in soil, there's no need to use acids or hydroxides as that will only make it worse. Soil will buffer the pH itself, just put your ready made nutrient solution under the babbler for a few hours before watering your plants.
Hope that helps