Still won't accept the fact it's a made up lie with the people that were there ready to testify in his defense?

You're a demoRAT so surprise there, if it don't fit your narrative it must be some right winged conspiracy.

Carry on dumbass
Has anyone testified that it didn’t happen under oath yet?

Carry on dumbass.
Has anyone testified that it didn’t happen under oath yet?

Carry on dumbass.

Everyone knew for the last year..she had the balls to tell the story UNDER OATH since she was surrounded by eunuchs:clap:

Meadows' last words to her while this was going on was for her to fix it..did anyone catch it? He was setting her up.

Happy that she knew the pit of vipers were going to spin this her way.
Still won't accept the fact it's a made up lie with the people that were there ready to testify in his defense?

You're a demoRAT so surprise there if it don't fit your narrative it must be some right winged conspiracy.

Carry on dumbass

Under Oath- so surprise there.
Witnessed a first-hand account from the driver in person…that should shut some mouths.

While Bobby Engle was standing there, Tony Ornato recounted what happened to Cassidy Hutchinson..it was a three way conversation. It was also an open secret this past year in Secret Service Land.

You glean more info if you watch it a 2nd time..I mostly watch them 3+ times each, because I can't believe what I missed the previous time(s).
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