I guess he’d be okay w/ being treated as livestock…slaves were actually farmed for sellable offspring - or as Thomas Jefferson put it, for “their increase”. They were also in demand as sexual objects (forbidden of course to white women), so ‘gentlemen’ - perhaps a Senator Graham ancestor? - had a private playground in which to indulge their more…male proclivities without getting called names like faggot, queer, or Senator Graham.

Truly, enslavement of Africans ennobled even the lowest white man

Interesting, thinking of the new guy…those attitudes are learned early, typically from family members…he’s probably never actually *thought* about slavery - new-world, British-aristocrat created, economically-driven, color-coded, African chattel slavery (and mass kidnappings) in particular - in his entire life.

So many go through life, thinking they’re thinking…when all they’re doing is listening to old ‘tapes’ of things they’ve heard, & rolling them around in their heads while listening to Hanky & Quarrelsome
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. . . . . . . . . . . . They were also in demand as sexual objects (forbidden of course to white women), so ‘gentlemen’ - perhaps a Senator Graham ancestor? . . . . . .
23&me and the other genetic testing sites report that 88% of african amercans (who have their dna tested) have some european blood. 10% of african americans are actually from africa, so upwards of 98% of all american born blacks have some white ancestors.
I guess that's 4PM MDT but I made a mistake on the last one; I also think they changed the time from 10AM to 1PM.
5pm Pacific
6 Mountain
7 Central
8 Eastern

4pm Alaskan
2 Hawai’i/Aleutian

In Universal Time (which coincides with Greenwich and Central European Time) that’s 0100 the next day.
Don't know anything about that.
All I know is that I live in FL and it's on at 7:00 according to my cable guide.

a panhandler, then!

That probably applies to whites with black ancestors as well.
I’ve seen it cited multiple times that based on testing so far, no one is less than 7% African. Even Scandinavians.

By the universal Confederate adherence to the One Drop rule, this means we are ALL escaped slaves (or something)
The Secret Service including fat mans, needs to be completely cleaned house.

They're all treasonous fuckers and if a few aren't, it's casualty of war.
5pm Pacific
6 Mountain
7 Central
8 Eastern

4pm Alaskan
2 Hawai’i/Aleutian

In Universal Time (which coincides with Greenwich and Central European Time) that’s 0100 the next day.

They said it's 6PM wouldn't that be Eastern since it's Washington DC? Colorado is 2 hours behind, so at 6 it's 4 here.