ok let’s just say out loud what we all know. the greatest threat to the health and success of your garden is called a new girlfriend. similar to PM a new girlfriend can be acquired while you are away from your garden purchasing additional items for the plants. new girlfriends could potentially be “shopping” at the grow store so be careful. once a new girlfriend has attached to you, sometimes this can happen without you even knowing, she will eventually work her way into your garden. similar to beneficial bacteria new girlfriends are not all parasitic in nature. some can be a wonderful new additive to help promote erotic growth. however, the type of girlfriend we will just list in the category of harmful poses several dangers including extreme daily loss of total dried yield...
there are of course so many more serious dangers that new girlfriends pose to your garden. from personal experience, even with great lab hygiene and top notch filtration i still had a bad girlfriend outbreak in the garden. stay alert growers...
I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to tell a new girlfriend, that can be only end bad!
in my situation, i’m past secret growth and trust me on this, this is a no joke serious gardening issue. don’t think for a moment that there isn’t a woman beautiful enough to walk right up to you with her eyes and her nails and whisper “take me to your garden” and you wouldn’t break like a little bitch.
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I found out my girlfriend (who hates weed) was dipping out of my jars and selling it to friends at her work. Tried kicking her to the curb but damn if she doesn't smoke a great poll. Needless to say they are now locked up.
That’s really fucked up on so many levels.
I found out my girlfriend (who hates weed) was dipping out of my jars and selling it to friends at her work. Tried kicking her to the curb but damn if she doesn't smoke a great poll. Needless to say they are now locked up.
What was that guys name “here’s your sign”

May be time to find someone else to smoke your “poll”.
Why can’t we change the name of the thread to “the dangers of the grow ho”. Personally I don’t have that issue when I had a business partner , he would pluck buds from my harvest and give to his gf, needless to say dumped em once I got enough investment capital to do on my own. My current friend/fiancé doesn’t smoke let’s me grow my plants and smokes my pole every night :). But can attest to the females smoking all your stash a former client who I cut loose was given 2 zips for distribution and his girls smoked 1 of them in 7 days !!! Can’t pay your bills if you only have half the product to sell homies. That’s why I only have clients that are lesbos, they aren’t trying to fu k me
Why can’t we change the name of the thread to “the dangers of the grow ho”. Personally I don’t have that issue when I had a business partner , he would pluck buds from my harvest and give to his gf, needless to say dumped em once I got enough investment capital to do on my own. My current friend/fiancé doesn’t smoke let’s me grow my plants and smokes my pole every night :). But can attest to the females smoking all your stash a former client who I cut loose was given 2 zips for distribution and his girls smoked 1 of them in 7 days !!! Can’t pay your bills if you only have half the product to sell homies. That’s why I only have clients that are lesbos, they aren’t trying to fu k me
so your male clients try to fk ya?