This thread made me smile. Great job OP. In an instance of how everyone’s story is different, I’ve been with my girlfriend for 8 years, and for 6 of them I grew mushrooms. It took 6 years of her wearing me down to get me to start growing weed. I’m sure glad she did.
in my situation, i’m past secret growth and trust me on this, this is a no joke serious gardening issue. don’t think for a moment that there isn’t a woman beautiful enough to walk right up to you with her eyes and her nails and whisper “take me to your garden” and you wouldn’t break like a little bitch.
I'd look that lady straight in her pretty eyes, take her by those beautifully manicured hands and sweetly say....

Haaaaay gurl! Your prince is in another castle, kthxbai!
I'd look that lady straight in her pretty eyes, take her by those beautifully manicured hands and sweetly say....

Haaaaay gurl! Your prince is in another castle, kthxbai!
Sounds great in theory! In reality you might get off the Haaaaaay, if your lucky, then BAM, she got you in that Lasso of Truth!!!


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Actually thinking about someone to run my life, no idea how she feels about weed. My excuse, "It's medicinal, without it I can't take you near me."

Wait, that did not come out right.