1 ft tall plants stole


Active Member
so i was goin to my plants late 1 night about 10 pm to water my babies 8 of them nd the nextmorning every single 1 was gone, should i be worried ?:cry:
Sounds like someone you told, told someone or someone you told thought they needed the plants more.:peace:

Feel your pain bro, nothing to do but start over, and find a new place.a better place.
Now lets explore the situation, plants gone.......OK, lets look at clues and possibilities...
1) plants have been cut off, = cop
2) plants broken or pulled, = prick
3) plant gone, big hole, = thief
Pick a card, any card............
Now lets explore the situation, plants gone.......OK, lets look at clues and possibilities...
1) plants have been cut off, = cop
2) plants broken or pulled, = prick
3) plant gone, big hole, = thief
Pick a card, any card............
If they were cut it doesen't mean it was a cop you'd know if it was a cop cause the ywould have left them there and waited for you to go and look at them then pop you.:peace:
Sorry to hear about it. If I were in your shoes, I would wait a little bit if possible to grow, if the first ones were on your property. If not, feel free to grow away, somewhere new though, and make sure not to tell anyone about them.
so i was goin to my plants late 1 night about 10 pm to water my babies 8 of them nd the nextmorning every single 1 was gone, should i be worried ?:cry:

Thieves. A sorry, no good, low down, dirty son of a mutherfucker raided your grow. :evil:

Cops would have waited for you to return. The site is compromised. Avoid it in the future.
My advice is to pick multiple spots,so if one is found you still have other spots.
If you are doin this at home,ut one or 2 in the exact same place/and show the same people you showed last time; but this time put a tomatoe cage around it and hook it up to a live wire/electricty and attach a bell or two.Who ever grabs them will get a shock of a life time and the bells are easy to hear if you within 4o ft.My last advice is if you are gona leave them in an obvious place then you might try decorating them with fake flowers.Sounds stupid but works.Good luck hbr