1 gram of n,n-dmt


Well-Known Member
just obtained a gram of some DANK dmt for $60 from a very good friend.

it was weighed 1.3 actually.

just the tiniest crystal, free based off an oil burner is enough to take you to mars.

last night was the furthest i have ever gotten propelled into the unknown.

still need to put together my thoughts.

maybe another blast off is in order?

ill post an update later sirs.

wish you all could join me.
And if you could take a pic in hyperspace... Now that would be epic. :D You'll have to write us a report.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
BBQ that is very exciting ... I also hope to see some wicked graphics illustrating your adventures !1



He'll yea the dmster will take you to places in yourself that you could never come to terms with if you hadn't experienced it right at that moment... It's like a colorful chaotic soothing spiritual journey to a part of yourself that understands the wholeness of yourself better than anyone... The images are just internal reflections like thoughts seen through a mirror that is your soul... :)

Or something like that I guess...it's open to your interpretation as well. Peace and love. :)


Well-Known Member
dmt has made me realize the difference between an ENTHEOGEN and a HALLUCINOGEN.
ANY psychoactive substance fallen into the wrong hands cannot be good...
those that use these substances as 'medicine' instead of a "drug"
you are what I consider... 'the good'
you are my brother, you are my friend.

we have stumbled upon something beautiful.
we were curious, to see what a hallucinogen was. we were curious to see what a "healthy" hallucination was like.
but upon us "messing around" with these substances, we found that there is more to their hallucinatory powers.
we found out that psychoactive substances can be used as a tool to help us through life, to think outside of the box. for religious, spiritual, or personal use...etc
we found that it is a secret, only WE know.

we keep these secrets to ourselves. unlike Timothy Leary...
even though we may have never met, my brothers...we use Entheogens for the good, together.
in spirit. in psyche. ESP is real.
entheogens ARE a tool to help 'the good' in life.

dmt is the key, dmt is the door to the world of entheogens.
dmt becomes apparent once a human being goes to sleep.
allegedly, it even becomes apparent during birth and during death.

there is something about it
that is so mysterious.
it makes me wonder...
...is dmt a big part of what you and I call "life"?


Well-Known Member
Thats some deep stuff. I dont think ive been that far gone. Is it like falling in a K hole?


Active Member
i didnt even know about this stuff till i came to this site and the last few days ive read alot about this, i have to do this asap , anyone got any idea where i could get this from in the uk without have to extract it myself


Well-Known Member
Thats some deep stuff. I dont think ive been that far gone. Is it like falling in a K hole?
Not remotely.
I only did my first extraction a few weeks ago so i'm no expert. But nothing i have experienced in my life is remotely comparable to a DMT breakthrough. I think it's something that has to be experienced to 'understand'

@solvalou: extraction is a lot easier than you'd think


Well-Known Member
i didnt even know about this stuff till i came to this site and the last few days ive read alot about this, i have to do this asap , anyone got any idea where i could get this from in the uk without have to extract it myself
Extract it yourself, you are going to find the experience much easier after, you just need an empty whiskey bottle and a small syringe for equipment.

Re the above post:
I agree, one would have to create a new language to describe it. quantum thought processes where an answer can be two exactly opposing poles yet not be in conflict, so diffirent than our normal binary thought processes, off on, right wrong, yes no. I wonder if this is what plants think like. (they've been around much longer than we have so I consider them the pinacle of evolution), the little fuggers can survive on little more than water and sunlight.


Well-Known Member
Thats some deep stuff. I dont think ive been that far gone. Is it like falling in a K hole?
i've never fallin' into a K hole (K isn't my thing)
but from what i hear they are like and compare it to a dmt experience...
they are nothing alike.
some properties can be or are similar but can never compare

i didnt even know about this stuff till i came to this site and the last few days ive read alot about this, i have to do this asap , anyone got any idea where i could get this from in the uk without have to extract it myself
the spirit molecule shouldn't be looked for in my honest opinion.
dmt finds the user itself...just like LIFE intended.

its just a matter of time one of your close friends or brothers will obtain DiMiTri and will show you the Divine Moments of Truth.
i shall see you on the other side

Not remotely.
I only did my first extraction a few weeks ago so i'm no expert. But nothing i have experienced in my life is remotely comparable to a DMT breakthrough. I think it's something that has to be experienced to 'understand'

@solvalou: extraction is a lot easier than you'd think
you speak the truth 100%