1 mg blotter (25I-NBOMe)


Ahhh, psychs. :) I took 4 1mg tabs of 25i once. Then walked around outside. It was amazing, but I might have had slight OD symptoms because my tongue felt (like, literally, I poked it) like dry leather. I drank a bunch of water and was fine. Fractals everywhere, ego loss, and somehow I ended up with funyons, but I honestly don't remember where they came from. Went home and sat in my basement marveling at how pretty the duct work was for a few hours, realized I had work the next day, popped a xanax bar and passed out. Intense CEVs and some fucked up dreams, but I was fine when I woke up. I bought like, 50 tabs of the shit for something like 45$. Still have half of it, but its a year old and I dont trust it.