1 month into flowering and relatively small buds. Help?


Well-Known Member
Im growing a Alien OG clone. Yes it was fully rooted etc. before I put it into flower. I grow bonzai plants so It gets all its light from my window. I have a south facing window and its obviously October so its naturally getting its proper light cycle for flowering. Are the buds small simply because of its size or is something else wrong. The plant in general is in A1 condition I always maintain my plants like that. Any suggestions? Its approx. 1 month into flower.



What type of lights, dirt, nutes, size of pot are
just some of the possibilities or a combination
of all them.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i think the problem is you are using window sill light in october. southern windows are great, but if my calculations are correct you started flowering that thing sometime in september. bearing in mind early finishers are usually ready to harvest in september, i don't know if you will have enough usable light to finish the bud cycle, especially from a window. i once had to rescue a friend's plant that was grown similar to yours. however this chick popped a seed in september and tried to grow that on her sill. all that happened is it budded for a bit and then around december it went completely dormant. it didn't grow or bud or do anything, but it stayed alive. i ended up taking it the following april and finishing it with my sill grow (sill grows work fine, just not when you start in september). the plant didn't grow until june and even then it was all new growth. the old growth just sat there.

i wouldn't hold my breath on this one.


Well-Known Member
Ok well if i used artificial light wat wud u recommend for 2 plants like this 11 inches tall? Something cheap and efficient. Ive read on here abouy guys getting decent setups for like $35 at home depot...


Active Member
For sure just get some CFLs two or three little ones. The more lumens the better. and make sure they are 2700k or less. They will work way better than you window sill this late in the year.


Active Member
I have a Alien OG ready to finish in a week.... It was flipped when it was just a little bit larger than yours and will probably give an ounce dried.... I can post a pick of where it is at if you would like.. Problem is that it is under 1000w HPS so results may be a little different...


Active Member
I just looked at your picture again and noticed how far along your plant is.... So it may not stretch too much more..... I have found that with the clones I use of Alien they grow about 2 1/2 times their size from the time they are flipped Caveman OG almost stops growing when flipped....


Active Member
imo you should let your plant get mature before starting to flower!!!! some people believe that the plant is mature after 3-4 weeks of veg but i dont and i have never had any good results from rushing the veg time and flowering to early. if you want bigger bud let the plat get bigger. if you dont have the time to do that then you need to start your seeds earlier in the year or be ready to put them under lights. sorry but imo that plat is still a baby and the buds will be also!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok to adress some of ur issues:
1. How much are cfls?
2. The plant is mature, it was vegged for like 1 1/2 momths before i flowered it.
3. Its 9-10 inches tall, I have grown it to be something small and bonzai like. I have another plant which is an indica, do naturally it is much shorter and bushier.
4. Is it possible that the buds will plump up in this next month? I plan on giving it 40 more days before harvest.


Active Member
cfl are just as expensive as hps but a lot easier on the bill, you need hps to try and catch up as much as u can. you can still yield a decent smoke but you need the light asap.:peace:


Active Member
im uk so may be different and you'll have to convert. 600watt hps bulb(dual spectrum)- £20. A-wing reflector- £15. 600watt ballast- £40. i prefer to use a coolbox instead of A-wing to control temps but cost £70. more or less same price for 400hps just less bills plus less heat. hope this helps :peace: from uk


Well-Known Member
yea warm white CFLs will help, and a plant that small will need all the help it can get to grow big buds. i dont switch to flowering until they are atleast a foot, and thats if im in a rush. either way they should stretch to 2 feet or so by the time buds form.

what nutrients are you using? you need to get some bloom nutes, low nitrogen heavy phophorus + potassium, and some micro nutes.
they need more light.

and 40 more days til harvest? you might need more than that.


Well-Known Member
Price range?
Please dont listen to people telling you to buy small 18/20 watt cfl's, seriously these will be little better than your window light!lol!

For the basic cheapo set up thats not Hps you will need 3/4 flourescents at 2 feet/ 60cm length in either 24watts at the T5 size or 18watts at the T8 size. If going for T5 flourescents pleasue ensure you buy HO or high output T5's. Personally id go with the T8's as they are cooler and easier on the budget and novice grower.

With any lighting system you will need either ventilation or circulation. Now if its a sealed box with lights in you need to at least provide enough ventilation through a decent inline extractor or centrifugal fan. Should you just have it in the corner of the room with a few flouros over it a simple desk fan pointed at the tops of the plant and lights will do.

Other than this get a cooltube 250watt with ruck inline extractor 5inch fan and budbox but this would be by far an exspensive route compared to 3/4 2foot flourescents. By the time you have bought some cfls, light fittings and plugs with multiple plug adaptors you could have just afforded them T8 flouros.

Give it up with them small cfl's people, unless your broke and wana do some lame ass fluffy bud problematic grow which still needs fans and extractors. 18watt of CFL completely sucks compared to 18watts of flourescent! Go buy flourescents if your broke and wana do it cheap because at least then you'll have a setup that actually yeilds and is workable let to mention not a fire hazard once you plugged in them 10 small crappy CFL's. Why advise a new grower to buy crap 18watt cfls when flouros are ten times better at quite often the same cost!

A ballast provides the initial startup charge, cfls, hps, mh and flouros have them because a typical bulb needs a whole lotta power to initially start, once its started it will just run on the normal supply but basically a ballast ramps up the power and fires the bulb to start. Peace


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. Im on a space constraint. I just need a couple small lights for say 3 small bonzai plants like no taller than 10 inches. Im heavily considering a PC grow box. What kimd of lights do I need for that?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. Im on a space constraint. I just need a couple small lights for say 3 small bonzai plants like no taller than 10 inches. Im heavily considering a PC grow box. What kimd of lights do I need for that?
Its about light quality and cfls are crappy versions of flourescents basically and inefective designs, ive messed about with all cheap lights except leds (forget them rubbish!) and i have been really dissapointed with cfls but two foot flourescents really gave me somthing to work with.

Alas some people like to go really small and use them tiny cfls, at this point i have to say another hobby might be more fulfilling!lol! Read the grow threads with small cfls and flouros plus size considerations and the fact that enclose any light no matter what in a pc box and it gona get hot.

I question the need for small growers to grow in a box, your obviously not trying to hide the lights that would normally be found in a fish tank or houshold light and 12'' canabis plants are really easilly hidden from veiw behind say a table and chairs or screen and doing it that way means little heat build up and a small desk fan is all the cooling you'll need.

At this stage read the grow threads for cfls and flourescents and see which ones

A) Best suit your space and heat requirements and
B) Which will give you the yeild you want for youe money.

Personally please never believe that an 18watt cfl has an equivelent wattage rating of like 75watts or 100watts as it is still only an 18watt light source for plants, these are manufacturers bending of the truths, place a 100watt incandescent normal bulb next to a qoowatt equivelent cfl and youll see that they are merely a puny 18watts really.

Do the reading and let us know which your going for, quite often a walk round the shops to see whats available to you as well will help. Also read up on light spectrum, tempreture and Kelvin so you know what colour bulbs and light yiu want for veg and flower. Peace