1 month into flowering leaf edges curling upwards?



  • I'm growing in FFOF I have them are under a 400w light and are about 1 month into flowering. The strain is kalichakra from mandala. There in 3 gallon grow bags, the light is about 8-10" from the tops. Temps are around 75-80.

    I fed them with half strength grow big, tiger bloom and cal-mag about 5 days ago, and this problem started about 2 days ago getting worse every day. Before that feeding there were no problems.

    The leaves are curling upward as you can see, this just started today, the yellowing/rust spots started a couple days ago. What do you think the curling is? Is that heat stress? The tops are about 80 but they've been that way since the start with no problems. Any help would be great, thanks​



LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
nute burn hommie flush and feed 50/50 worm tea i can not stress enough to people quite over feeding your shit the grower them selves cause 80% of ther own issue, feed when they tell you they need food other wise water or worm tea thats it


I've already done a small flush because I figured it may have been nute burn. Im surprised .because I've gone very light this time. Just water for now until I see any deficiencies. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
hi there with the fox farms soil you can almost go a month or more with just water due to that shhheeets hot
it is a power house

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
hi there with the fox farms soil you can almost go a month or more with just water due to that shhheeets hot
it is a power house
lol what the hell ever its has more to do with the plant and how much it feeds, i have had to add nutes after 2 weeks afer transplant due to a lack of nitrogen , some plants are pigs and eat tons of nutes other hate them hell i had one strain i never gave any nutes to except worm tea and it finshed with almost 2 lbs on it


New Member
If you are not acquainted with the common problems that are associated with the curling of marijuana leaves
excess of water along with fertilizer is not at all advised because they contribute a major portion in the curling of marijuana leaves.

Apart from this, too much light can also pose adverse effects on your marijuana leaves. It is best to maintain a nominal level of height if you do not want your leaves to start curling up. With experience as well as practice, you will be able to turn your marijuana leaves to wonderful plants; all it demands on your part is patience and care.

It is important to audit every single marijuana leaf and be sure about their watering, heat as well as light factors. These tips will help you overcome problems in a better way for sure .


Well-Known Member
My guess is heat/light related. Look at how it's curling in. It's trying to cover itself up from something. Usually its from excessive heat/light. Do you have an air-cooled reflector? If not I would recommend to raising it up to 16"-18" from the tops. The rusty spots look like it's getting hot in the soil from too many nutes. Flush, flush, flush, and flush again. If your going to be adding nutes you need your growing medium to be as "inert" as possible (much like coco in a relative sense). FF has pretty hot nutes that don't really work the greatest for cannabis, imo. I'm sure some growers will disagree and I'm sure they've had bomb ass dankity-dank buds come off of their plants. I just believe part of the "less is more" mentality. It's not bad to use though if you mix it with some FF Light Warrior to kinda level the nutes out. Also, I've found that if feeding additional nutrients to you do a "feed, water, feed, water, ect." feeding schedule every or every other day depending on how much she's drinking.

Ultimately, my favorite soil that I would recommend to any one is Super Soil created by Subcool. I've just seen amazing results with it. Of Organic quality and growth rate of a hydroponic plant when you get it dialed in. It's changed my mind from using hydroponics to it. You can find the recipe online. Coco is also pretty awesome. That's my second recommendation. DWC being the third.


Well-Known Member
How's the pH of your water? I'm guessing it's burn though too. :( Sorry man! I would love to see a recovery, since I had a similar problem with FFOF awhile ago. Can you repot them again too? I had this suspicion I had tobacco mosaic virus too; you -could- try feeding her some aspiring at 325mg/gallon. (plain, generic aspirin.) It could be a disease, but it doesn't look like it.


My guess is heat/light related. Look at how it's curling in. It's trying to cover itself up from something. Usually its from excessive heat/light. Do you have an air-cooled reflector? If not I would recommend to raising it up to 16"-18" from the tops. The rusty spots look like it's getting hot in the soil from too many nutes. Flush, flush, flush, and flush again. If your going to be adding nutes you need your growing medium to be as "inert" as possible (much like coco in a relative sense). FF has pretty hot nutes that don't really work the greatest for cannabis, imo. I'm sure some growers will disagree and I'm sure they've had bomb ass dankity-dank buds come off of their plants. I just believe part of the "less is more" mentality. It's not bad to use though if you mix it with some FF Light Warrior to kinda level the nutes out. Also, I've found that if feeding additional nutrients to you do a "feed, water, feed, water, ect." feeding schedule every or every other day depending on how much she's drinking.

Ultimately, my favorite soil that I would recommend to any one is Super Soil created by Subcool. I've just seen amazing results with it. Of Organic quality and growth rate of a hydroponic plant when you get it dialed in. It's changed my mind from using hydroponics to it. You can find the recipe online. Coco is also pretty awesome. That's my second recommendation. DWC being the third.

Yep i agree with this, i think it's definitely heat stress. The plant is losing more moisture than it;s taking up, leaves start to curl up to create a shadow effect and try to keep more moisture in.


Yes my hood is air cooled and top of plants stay around 80-82. The light is about 10" from the tops, I raised it from 7" because I had the same suspicion of excessive light/heat. After the flush I did a few days ago the yellowing/rust spots have not spread, so I'll do one more flush in a couple days and then try a VERY light feeding. Thanks for all the help!


Active Member
looks like heat stress to me, i'm going through the same situation as you are and the leaves cup or turn to avoid light.