1 month old outdoors


New Member
Hey guys this is my first grow and i just wanted to make sure im doing everything right so i have been using natural sunlight but i keep my plants in my windowsill because it is too cold to put them outside right now. Look at the pictures and tell me if im doing it all right i need the advice. Oh yeah and that hole in one of the big leaves is just from a pencil that i accidently dropped on my plant its not from bugs. thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Nice pencil hole. Plants look fine. More light helps. Maybe get some CFL's in a lamp or two and put them next to the plant's on the side not facing the window. How often are you watering? You probably don't need to feed them anything yet but make sure when you water the soil gets dry again before you water again. Don't keep constantly wet.


New Member
yeah i was thinking about getting lights soon and i water everyday but i make sure it drains well so i dont over water it. i also feed it nutrients i have been told it was too early but i am just experimenting with it and it seems to be working fine. i am just using some simple miracle grow house plant food and i havnt had a problem


New Member
what do you reccomend for indoor lights? i cant make a grow room in my house because i am only 15 and i live with my parents and they are against weed so i need to keep this on the down low. i do have a closet though that i could put a few lights in


Active Member
its probably not a good idea then, its pretty hard to grow a plant start to finish with parents around..


Well-Known Member
sorry man, u gotta be 18 for this site. i'd go w/ a dont ask dont tell policy myself but you said your 15 already so its too late. sorry man but i gotta report you


Well-Known Member
15 year olds are NOT welcome on these forums, please go play in the playground.
uncalled for! i smoked and tried to grow by age 15. you are in no way better than him just cuz you are older. i'd welcome him if it wasnt for laws/rules, he is no worse than you or i. he's just less experienced in life


Well-Known Member
Not saying we're better. THE FORUM RULES ... oh wait most people don't have the time or respect to read these ... state 18+ on these forums ONLY! OONLY!!!!! Gah! Sorry bro, last piece of advice before you get kicked though. DONT DONT DONT water every day. They like to go from wet to dry to wet. And I mean dry, that little pot no more than every 3 days I'd say. I usually only water twice a week. Over watering isn't about pouring too much in it's about the soil being constantly wet, not ever drying out, and never getting any air back in there. Good luck. Oh indoor lights, CFL, the spiraly looking ones. idk which ones are best I use HID lighting but more lumens and watts the better.


Well-Known Member
i know bro, i was talking about that barrett guys go play on the playground comment was uncalled for. i might of misunderstood but it seemed like he was talking down to that guy calling him a child.