1 month old plants look 1 week old, and turning yellow and dying


Well-Known Member
Yeah these plants are exactly 1 month old, and some of them started turning yellow and leaves curling. They were in regular dirt mixed with potting soil all the way up to 4 days ago, I moved them to roots organic 707 mixture. They were under a 100w house light bulb for the first week which I was told on these forums would be fine, then I moved them under a 600w HPS. I had the light about 6 feet above, plants started getting way too stretched so I replanted, and moved the light to about 1 foot above, it cooked the plant directly beneath the light so I moved the light 1 foot higher. Here some pictures, before and after the transplant, the last 2 will be the pictures I just took like a hour ago of the plants condition.

Its my first grow ever and these are white widow, it disheartens me greatly and makes me want to scrap the whole batch because ive seen other peoples plans after 1 month and they are huge. these look like seedlings.



Well-Known Member
About every 3 days id say but i check the soil to make sure its moist, if its moist i leave them alone when it starts feeling dry I water.

this is how they started, they are actually like 6-8 inches but were so stretched I burried them up to the leaves when i replanted
i know exactly what you did wrong you compacted the soil down to much so the roots cant grow. i did the same thing when i first started when you fill the pot with soil dont compact it down. and if you didn't compact the soil than idk what you did wrong.


Well-Known Member
lmmfao those lil cute things...do you test the ph of your water? what do you feed them? wtf ive never seen nothing like it


Well-Known Member
No I didnt compact the soil, but when I took them out of the cups the soil was kinda packed but I didnt do anything myself, I used regular outside dirt mixed with miracle grow potting soil. And I use water from water bottles, and I dont feed them anything.


Well-Known Member
looks like u had ur light too low amongst other things......house light wont cut it mate tbh....get some cfls...they aint dear....keep it very close bbout 2 inch away then when theyv got a decent sets of leaves(bout two weeks ) transplant and move under ur hps....leave it a bout a meter away until they start gettin bigger and slowly drop it down till they can handle it


Well-Known Member
he shouldve just started with cfls no he shouldve read before starting
looks like u had ur light too low amongst other things......house light wont cut it mate tbh....get some cfls...they aint dear....keep it very close bbout 2 inch away then when theyv got a decent sets of leaves(bout two weeks ) transplant and move under ur hps....leave it a bout a meter away until they start gettin bigger and slowly drop it down till they can handle it


Well-Known Member
another thing mate i read ur usin soil outa ur garden.... i think thats a bad idea...uv got to bake it and shit from wat iv read to kill all the unwanted crap....just stick to a soiless mix with a bit of added fertilizer like bio bizz or sumat ,tbh....u cant go wrong if u just follow some simple rules in that stuff....my mate grows his in that and doesnt ph shit only waters em wen he can b arsed and still pulls an oz a plant....


Well-Known Member
I find that very naive of you to suggest, I have read incredible amounts, asked many questions, been a member for over a year. I checked all my basis according to some pretty experienced people the lumens a house light gives off was more than enough for the plants starting out. Obviously it wasnt, but still that light was on them a week thats including when i put the seeds in the dirt and they had just started sprouting, i dont see how that fucked them up especially since they been under a very strong hps for 3 weeks and still almost no growth. Can you link some of the CFLs you were speaking of? This batch looks like its going to be a waste and I have 5 hawaii mawuii seeds so I guess ill just start over


Well-Known Member
Firstly the incand light stretched the shit out of them and to make matters worse you used crap dirt from your yard. Now your overwatering ,i doubt that pot would dry out completely in 2 weeks(the rate they are growing) so your watering every 2 days is far too much ,they wont grow(stunted), pot must be very dry before watering.
Plants look 2 days old not a month .
Start again these are fucked. Next time start in smaller pots in nice soil with a cfl or the 600 about 4 ft away and let pots dry out after germination.


Well-Known Member
its most probably the soil mate tbh.....if u got the money get a propagator/heated....and a 125watt cfl....just google that shit...i live in uk and just go to a grow shop for my stuff...germ ur seeds usin the paper towel method...bang them in a carrier bag /not wrapped too tight....and stick em somewhere warmer rather than colder...i put em back of fridge....1-2 days they should sprout...get some jiffy bags and bang em in .in the proprgtr.get the 125w light about 2 inch above prop.lid.....lid on...3 days...open lid bit of a spray on bags...lid on ...do this every other day till they got atleast 4 leaves on em/biggish...then take the lid off altogether...carry on till they about 2 weeks old/ul hav to water em a bit wen the bag drys etc....then transplant em and bang em under ur big light...bout a good meter away...as they get bigger lower it down a bit etc....dont use soil outa ya garden....get some soiless....


Well-Known Member
I just put them in the big pots and watered it once because i figured it would take forever to dry. Can you link some cfls to buy? and i mean good ones not shit, and yeah i started my other 5 seeds germing but im going to still keep those plants in there to see if something will come of them.

Soiless? You mean like a hydroponics grow? Im going to wait till I get a successful soil grow before I go hydro.
yeah i reacon its your soil. the soil in your yard is to compact and wont let the roots breathe and grow you can still grow plants in it but if your gonna grow plants in yard soil they should be atleast 4 weeks old and on there 8th set of true leaves.

by soiless he means a potting mix that has no soil in it just other sht like bark etc
also are these nirvanas white widow? because if so ive grown ak48 from nirvana and they got to about as big as urs and than stopped growing. but ive grown there cheese and it did really well.

i would change the soil wait a week and if they dont look like there growing id throw em out and get some better seeds.


Well-Known Member
I just put them in the big pots and watered it once because i figured it would take forever to dry. Can you link some cfls to buy? and i mean good ones not shit, and yeah i started my other 5 seeds germing but im going to still keep those plants in there to see if something will come of them.

Soiless? You mean like a hydroponics grow? Im going to wait till I get a successful soil grow before I go hydro.

if ur a begineer id use a soiless mix with added ferts...wait till u get it dialled in b4 goin all organic....that brings its own issues....buy some 2 litre pots transplant em into soiless and just water em and see what happens under a 125 watter....just google 125w cfl light and your area...or get a splitter and a coupla 50/75 watts, they aint xpensive....no need to add nutes for a coupla weeks...


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are Nirvana white widow, I heard nothing but amazing things about them before but recently I heard they sell bad batchs idno. I just changed it to roots organic 707, so yall are saying I should just buy some ocean forest and use just that and nothing else for like the first month?


Active Member
I.m with buds. I would start over. Get some good soil and get some good light. You'll get it! With the maui I would start 12/12 as early as possible. Those fuckers will be trees!


Well-Known Member
I know this thread is two YeaRSVP old but Damn, I thought I had troubles makes me feel good about my ladies haha. I bet he is harvesting those puppies now haha. At the rate they were growing.