1 Plant 6 strains (GRAFTING) - 6 fold plant increase, staying in your plant llimit

Both you idiots dont have a clue do you?? We stole this thread. Were not trying to graft six strains on one plant for a multiheaded mother. If youd have read the thread before flappin yur gums youd have realized that. We just want to have one successfull graft and flower it out. For our own curiosity. 37 posts in two years and you post a half naked dude and talk shit. We are blessed to have you around for your wealth of knowledge and expirience..oh and all your wonderfull help...this ones for you pal :finger:
Ouch!! Sorry to get your heart pumpin buddy. I understand your defensive response but you are doing a look what i can do experiment. How am i talkin shit posting stewart from madtv. I think it would be pretty dope if you pull it off, however this is not a practical thing to do. Like you said "for our own curiosity". Overall, cheers to your growing endeavors and may the force be with you.

Ill slither back into my cave now. Peace.
I've done cannabis>cannabis grafting on an outdoor plant, it was unknown bagseed onto a LSD. I've always liked the 6 strains on one plant idea,so when i found a branch broken off a plant ,i cut it back to a wedge shape,cut the notch of another plant where a branch came off the main stem, stuck it in there, tied it up with sewing thread,wrapped it in a moist paper towel, then wrapped it in cellophane, worked great, just had to keep the paper towel moist, and i changed it every couple of days to keep mold and bacteria down. Because of the unknown strain it never fully flowered by the time the base plant(LSD) was ready to harvest, and with the weather turning i didnt bother leaving it with the one branch to finish.

As far as cannabis>other grafting,its definitely an interesting idea, and probably loads of fun to play wiith, I know Ive devolped a want to play with horticulture, but other than for fun there's no reason to do it..

Re vegging an establshed cannabis root stock,adding cuttings/grafts, then flowering seems to be another beneficial aspect of grafting,although i havent tried it and am not set up to try it...

either way this shit really interests me