I'm curious to know how it will work out for you. Do you find water management time consuming? I know this may be based on opinion or skill level as well, meaning to a seasoned growing water management is probably something that only take a few mins. I don't feel I currently have the time to worry about checking my water everyday at a specific time, and every other intimidating thing I have read. I may not actually even attempt it yet.
Being an on call 24/7 technician, and a full time student consumes my life. I'd like to know what the actual benefits are of water management. Is it the difference(assuming the strain is the same) of ounces or grams? If a plant that I just water and feed nutes yields 4 oz. would all the bells and whistles really make a difference? Are we talking doubling my yield or ending up with 4.5 oz. I know this question does not have a definitive answer, more looking for what has been noticed personally, not read somewhere.