1 Pound Plant, Living Soil.

King Avitas

Well-Known Member
So I just finished my second grow in my living soil. I grew 4 plants, each in a 20 gallon grow bag. This is an indoor grow and the living soil is the only source of nutrients the plants got. Straight water was the only thing added. I finally broke 1 pound on a sinhle plant. Pretty happy right now. I never managed that indoors before. Zombie kush was the strain.

Final numbers:
Plant # 1 - 396 grams
Plant #2 - 330 grams
Plant #3 - 439 grams
Plant #4 - 517 grams (my first 1lb indoor plant)

1,682 grams/3.70lbs.

3.3'x8' grow area = 26.64sq.ft.
1,682÷26.64= 63.14grams/sq.ft.

3x460w lights @ 75% power
(3x460)×0.75= 1,035 watts
1,682÷1,035= 1.63gr/watt

***live plant pics were taken about 30 days prior to harvest. ***
-7.5cu.ft. Sphagnum Peat Moss

-1cu.ft. Sheep Manure Compost
-1cu.ft. Mushroom Manure Compost
-1cu.ft Sea Soil Fish Compost
-3cu.ft. Worm Castings

-4cu.ft. Coarse Perlite
-2cu.ft. Rice Hulls
1cu.ft Charged Bio-Char (not traditional airation but...)

Fertilizer Amendments:
10 Cup Kelp Meal
10 Cup Neem Cake

Mineral Amendments:
20 Cups Basalt Rock Dust
10 Cups Oyster Shell Flour
10 Cup Gypsum

also added 4 cups of alfalfa after the first grow.
What was the veg time on those?

I started them March 1st and flipped them April 20th. So about 50 days. I also am in a sealed room with CO². In that 50 days they got massive. I filled the entire scrog net and then when I flipped them, let all the streatch go verticsl allowing for long colas and it worked out beautifully.

March 20th - 20 Days Old

April 20th - 30 Days Later at Flip
Looks great. I’m about to join you in the living soil. I’m ditching the 5 gallons bags and I have two 3x3 beds waiting to be set up.

Definitely worth the investment. I used to spend $250-300 for chem nutes every grow and then 30 minutes everytime I fed the plants getting EC and Ph dialed in.

Now I spend about an hour per grow ammending my soil at the start and only give them straight water. So simple, especially if you have an auto watering system.

I will never go back to chems.
Definitely worth the investment. I used to spend $250-300 for chem nutes every grow and then 30 minutes everytime I fed the plants getting EC and Ph dialed in.

Now I spend about an hour per grow ammending my soil at the start and only give them straight water. So simple, especially if you have an auto watering system.

I will never go back to chems.
What nutes were you buying, and what scale were you growing?

I run 2 flood trays about 8 months of the year, 1 never stops, and I got enough dry amendments for the next 3 or 4 years for about $200 with shipping.
What nutes were you buying, and what scale were you growing?

I run 2 flood trays about 8 months of the year, 1 never stops, and I got enough dry amendments for the next 3 or 4 years for about $200 with shipping.

Small scale, ususlly only 8 plants. Tried both liquid and dry nutes. Obviously it was the liquid nutes that had the high price tag. The dry nutes I tried was Mega Crop and yes they were cheap and very good. I had good luck with pretty much anything I tried but 4 plants in living soil getting nothing but water just can't be beat as far as simplicity and overall cost goes.

I still need to buy ammendments though but only add them after each crop finishes up but they are super cheap and last a very long time. Things like crab meal, bokashi, humic acid, alfalfa, kelp, neem cake, worm castings and a little Gaia Green veg and grow. If I had to guess, I would say it cost me about $30 in total ammendments added after each crop and that number will go down once I start making my own worm castings and bokashi.

Just finished cleaning my room and ammendmending the soil.
Small scale, ususlly only 8 plants. Tried both liquid and dry nutes. Obviously it was the liquid nutes that had the high price tag. The dry nutes I tried was Mega Crop and yes they were cheap and very good. I had good luck with pretty much anything I tried but 4 plants in living soil getting nothing but water just can't be beat as far as simplicity and overall cost goes.

I still need to buy ammendments though but only add them after each crop finishes up but they are super cheap and last a very long time. Things like crab meal, bokashi, humic acid, alfalfa, kelp, neem cake, worm castings and a little Gaia Green veg and grow. If I had to guess, I would say it cost me about $30 in total ammendments added after each crop and that number will go down once I start making my own worm castings and bokashi.
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Just finished cleaning my room and ammendmending the soil.
Nice. Any tips for amendments? Im looking for products, brands, or compost materials for a set up similar to yours (from the looks of things). I'm going to be doing some projects with soil, with the end goal being a living soil ecosystem I can use as needed.
Nice. Any tips for amendments? Im looking for products, brands, or compost materials for a set up similar to yours (from the looks of things). I'm going to be doing some projects with soil, with the end goal being a living soil ecosystem I can use as needed.

Honestly for the most part, I took the coots and build a soil recipes and tried to figure out what each product was being used for then built my own recipe mimicking theirs with products I could find in Canada.

Then for the ammendments, I have just been guessing with some of the stuff I add. But I always add, worm castings and lots of them for the rapid availability of nutrients they provide the plants with. I added 15 cups to each pot this time and I swear by them. I have always been a fan of Kelp, so I threw a cup of that in each pot.Then comes the Gaia Green 4-4-4 & 2-8-4. I always throw about a cup of each in so hopefully it maintains some of the micro-nutrients and minerals I might be missing. I also add 1/2 cup Neem cake to diversify my nute sources & 1 cup of bokashi for microbial health. And alfalfa, 1 cup into each pot.

Then there are other things I add but might add them one time but then skip the next time I ammend my soil. Things that I usually read about or hear in a pod cast like soldier fly frass. I hear it makes the plant think there is a big infestation of bugs and triggers a defense mechanism resulting in the plant producing higher amounts of resin to protect the flowers. Could be total bullshit but its a hobby so I try things just to see what happens. Threw a 1/2 cup of that in.

I never did throw any crustacean meal in when I built my soil, so I threw in 1/3 cup of crab meal this time around. As you can see I am just winging it. Lol

I think the biggest thing is starting right the first time and then just try to balance out the amendments you think your plant and soil are using.

And I am no expert, just some dude in his garage trying different stuff to see what happens So take whatever i say with a grain of salt.
Spiderfarmer SF 4000. Not a bad light. Going to be adding uv lights on my next grow. I bought them a year ago but have been too scared to try them. :D
Nice grow. Over 3lbs out of an 8x3 space is really awesome. Nice job, I love soil cause there is an infinite amount of recipes one can use. No one recipe is right and each one will give a different result is whats great about it.
Nice grow. Over 3lbs out of an 8x3 space is really awesome. Nice job, I love soil cause there is an infinite amount of recipes one can use. No one recipe is right and each one will give a different result is whats great about it.

It would be nice to get my soil tested after this next grow but it's not really an option where I live.

So reading and guessing is about all I can do.
Definitely worth the investment. I used to spend $250-300 for chem nutes every grow and then 30 minutes everytime I fed the plants getting EC and Ph dialed in.

Now I spend about an hour per grow ammending my soil at the start and only give them straight water. So simple, especially if you have an auto watering system.

I will never go back to chems.
Agree 100%. It's definitely possible to make organic growing complicated, but it can also be the lowest-effort method by far.