1 seed, 2 Shoots

Hey Guys, A very fresh Newbie here.
My very first seed has germinated with 2 shoots. Is this normal? I was wondering if it will create a problem as they grow and if maybe I should cut one away now?
Help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I would keep it to see what it does over all and get some back ups in the works. You wouldn't want to toss that trait away! I was so stoked the only time I got a trifoliate.

That is unless you were stoned and dropped two magic beans in.


ive seen it happen its not unnatural, twins, dont worry about it you can either kill it or leave it, 1 top or 2, thats the diff really


Well-Known Member
Everytime I see something that is like this I want to keep it and try to get it to duplicate the trait in a breeding. Like if I had access to more trifoliate genetics I would be on making an all trifoliate strain.


Active Member
Neat, I've seen that one other time here on the forum, some say one may die, but don't let that discourage you, I wish that happened to me. :] imagine, like twice the tops, NICE!
Thanks for the help, I will keep them both and post pics from time to time so any one interested can follow the progress.
As I said earlier, this is my very first attempt at growing so dont expect too much lol.


Well-Known Member
Just had this happen to me. My la woman freebie did this and it was two sprouts that were not connected at all other than being a lil twisted up. so I planted them seperatly. Cool hope they grow good.


Well-Known Member
to me that is a bonus, i would def keep them together and let them grow as twins. wish i could have that happen