1 week and half from harvest and yellow leaves all over main cola

:-(:-(hi fellow smokers, this is my second grow, i have 2 plants, there "blue himalaya" shortstuff seeds, the other plant looks fine, iv started flushing a week ago, and only used vitalink nutes, at 4ml every other day when i watered them, its just the fact that all the fan leaves and the ones surrounding the main cola are all yellow ??? please any help ??? pls reply people, and the tiny leaves on the buds are going a purpley colour, im using a 400 watt hps and its plenty of height away from the canopy, the one that has yellow leaves on the cola, is in a 15 litre pot, and the other is in a lot smaller, do you think that the one in the larger pot will take a week longer to mature ???:!::!::!::!::!::!:


Well-Known Member
Pics would help. But you started flushing a week ago so of course its starting to yellow and lose leaves, its starving(which is not a good thing like most say) Feed em until the ennd, just drop your amounts a bit towards the end. Flushing is for toilets.......


Well-Known Member
flushing in soil is only needed as a corrective measure to remove built up salts if you overfertilize...flushing towards the end of a soil grow only really "improves" the taste if you are using a shitton of chemicals in your soil and want to get them out. Usually a slow dry/cure session is all thats needed to remove harshness, but depending on the strain and the type and amount of nutes used a flush towards the end isn't a bad idea, but in this instance you are probably not overfertilizing your soil(which is good), but you should just keep feeding it right till the end if its going yellow that badly :)


Well-Known Member
Pics would help. But you started flushing a week ago so of course its starting to yellow and lose leaves, its starving(which is not a good thing like most say) Feed em until the ennd, just drop your amounts a bit towards the end. Flushing is for toilets.......
flushing is for toilets ?? lol

dont flush and lemme know how those chemicals taste


Well-Known Member
Guys lets not start a flushing debate. to op: Try no flush, and flush and see for yourself is what I say :D IMO I grow organic soil so no need to flush.


Active Member
Lets not thread jack this and turn it into something its not.... The question was about the Yellowing leaves with a week or 2 left till harvest.... This is TOTALLT normal, and Im quite surprised it didnt start earlier than that.... They might have a ways to go, but a pic would help... I have leaves yellowing as of week 4-5 of flower... If you feel she is ready (you looked at the trichomes), then it all depends on what you use for Nutes as far as the flush... As stated above, if you do all organic, there really isnt a need to flush, because there arent any harsh chemicals to be flushed out.... However, if you are using Advanced or House and Garden etc... you need to flush WELL. There are alot of ways to do it, most people just use PH'd water for the last week.... I do it faster... I use "Final Phase" which is a flushing agent made by Advanced.... I water them with that once... Then 2 days in a row of Water only, then chop em... If you dont flush when using chemical nutrients, the smoke tastes like ass, and burns terribly... Instead of burning to a grey ash, it will turn into black charcoal... Bla... After spending months on a grow, dont blow it by not flushing..


Well-Known Member
yellowing leaves close to harvest CAN BE normal. i say it like this becuase perhaps theres something going on that shouldnt be happening, but we cant tell without pics


its normal the plant is using up its nitrogen, very normal dont be worried. before harvest i flush with water, and a product call final phase comprised of magnesium and i cant think of the other component right now, allow runoff and test. ideally the runoff should be about 300 ppm higher than what you have been feeding.

sorry messed up you should test runoff first runoff, and every 4 days to see nutrient levels left.