1 week old how is it looking

You act surprised Kogis this site is full of rude pricks that just take the piss

but timmy don't let that put you off there are also a lot of good people so just brush them off no point in getting up set with people that are upset with them self's

anyway shes green and a life so your doing a great job just turn not to look at her to much or you will think shes not growing i no its hard when you first start growing but the longer you leave it the more change poke your head in when lights are on make sure shes okay then leave her till the next day

Like Critical said you will enjoy DWC once that girl start growing you will be shocked how fast they grow in DWC
Hard part is over. Now its a lot of waiting . Best advice I can pass on and wish I would have listened is....when it comes to nutrients.....less is more.

All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic
You act surprised Kogis this site is full of rude pricks that just take the piss

but timmy don't let that put you off there are also a lot of good people so just brush them off no point in getting up set with people that are upset with them self's

anyway shes green and a life so your doing a great job just turn not to look at her to much or you will think shes not growing i no its hard when you first start growing but the longer you leave it the more change poke your head in when lights are on make sure shes okay then leave her till the next day

Like Critical said you will enjoy DWC once that girl start growing you will be shocked how fast they grow in DWC
Thanks man i appreciate the good folk on here ive had alot of help and i would not be here without people like you... much appreciated
It looks like a seedling, can't really go too wrong with a plant that's only a week old. Good luck with the grow
You can suck a dick you fuck head
Yer thanks bro fuck the haters: )
Dude ya will all ways get idiots that will just throw any old shit answer down,best thing is surf em just rise above the mother fuckers and let em sink.

Too many idiots too fast to shoot peoples questions down,if its your first grow how the fuck do you know if your seedling looks ok so keep posting and just choose a few that have answered well has the people that you will take something from there answers.

keep at it it aint has hard has everyone makes out,well it is if you over complicate things keep it simple and you do fine,one the seedlings get bigger re post.

I would bet a pound to a dollar that the dicks quick to shoot some ones question down are done by fools with the pants round there knees plastic gansters,watched a few too many god father films