1 week old marijuana plant??


New Member
i have a 1 week old marijuana plant and the stem is thin and i have a 1 day old marijuana plant and the stem is thicker why?
the 1 week old 1 is outdoors during the day and indoor during the night with a 60 watt light bulb 8 in away from it and the 1 day old is outdoor
is it bad for the plant to move indoor and outdoors?


Hello buddy, the week old one may have just been a bad seed and thats why the one day old one is thicker after only one day. Also moving plants from sunlight to a 60W lightbulb at night is not good for it. Flourescent lighting is ok for indoors but a standard lightbulb isn't.

Pick either indoor or outdoor grow, not a combination of both, as the plant that moves from outdoor to indoor constantly tries to adjust to the new environment.
The plant you bring indoors to the 60W bulb, is that so you have 24 hours of light? Keep in mind it's not light for 24 hours outside. If you have the funds and the space, get some flourescent lights if you decide to grow indoors and put it on an 18/6 light cycle. If not then I suggest placing it outside with the other one and leaving it there.
One of the best grows i've had was outdoor and I did v little to it, I let nature take it's course and only watered it as you would your lawn in a particularly dry summer. Rain water is in my opinion the best water any plant can get.

P.S If you can post a picture of the two plants we may be able to help you more, it's easier to diagnose from a pic than words.
Take it easy growmeister!!
yeah and another problem with bringing it inside, is you're gonna be bringing in whatever is outside, like bugs..then anything inside would become infested.


Well-Known Member
i disagree on the rainwater though, at least depending on where you live. some parts, rain water can be quite acidic, and throw your ph levels off. if you are in a nice area with low pollution and cleaner air, ya rainwater will probably be best. again, depends on the environment.