10,000 Watt Grow.........


Well-Known Member
Looking good guys. Nice to see some pics with plants in em. Room definetly looks beeter than the last update. Let me know how the hydrogen continues to work or not work. Was planning on ordering one in a few weeks myself. But I dont want faulty equipment. If your cutting waterflow and its still going, it sounds like the propane valve in the unit is stuck open.


Active Member
Seems to me like you could fit an entire other row in there. I know I would, I would fill that bitch to the rim. You could still use the same lighting for another row also. Seems 10kW is overkill in this setup. Don't get me wrong I envy you and your setup, but just offering some constructive criticism.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I second that... and also drop the lights another foot unless heat is an issue

Seems to me like you could fit an entire other row in there. I know I would, I would fill that bitch to the rim. You could still use the same lighting for another row also. Seems 10kW is overkill in this setup. Don't get me wrong I envy you and your setup, but just offering some constructive criticism.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Here they are, finally. So from here this will start the eventual slide show. Last Sunday(Oct 11th) starts week 1 -
When we jumped from the Coconut pots to the Smart Pots we used a root solution and the Canna Terra. The hose works well, but the pump isn't pushing as hard as you would think a 525 gph pump does so watering takes a bit of time to soak pots that large. :bigjoint: But hey, i'm not complaining.

The room is holding up to expectations. The seal of the room is solid. The drain system works fucking awesome! With all lights running and the two 8" Max in the hoods, the temp ranges from 68.0 - 75.0 and we have been using the A/C units in the corners ( you can barely see them in the photos) to keep the temp in a good range, a bit more dialing in is needed to perfect it though.

C02 Gen is proving to be a pain in the ass. I don't know weither it is the fact that there was just this much material used in the project - so naturally you run into defects, or, we are just getting unlucky. But the Hydro Gen won't shut off by either monitor or flow! It just keeps going constantly! Working on that one. But i can't wait to see the Ladies jump when the C02 is in there, they are doing quite well now so to add more is just icing on the cake.

For now it is going well. Wish us luck, talk to you all soon. - Shady
very nice. how long are you guys vegging them before 12/12? and how big are those grow bags? 30 gal? :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeah, and you got a lot of slack vent hose hanging between the lights. and...and...

lol, jk guys it looks like a great start. I know ya'll will get the bugs out and have it rockin' in there. :leaf:

Just swingin' through, later got to go....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Looking super sweet Riz and Shady.

Very nice job on the construction and setting everything up, and best wishes on that grow! Hope it goes well!

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie


New Member
If you're talking to me I really don't care. Ban me Ill reset my ip and be on in 2 mins. I am speaking the truth and freedom of speach ugh? 1st amendment dumbass.

Stay in school kids.
Privately owned forum. With the right to edit and remove any and all content for any reason. Now at least contibute to the thread or gtfo cause negativety will only make u look dumb. And I guarentee I'm at least twice ur age judgin from ur post I'd say 3x now kindly contribute or leave cause ur fkin up a good thread with ur "truth" there's a conduct and a way to go about putting things... This was not it.
Anywho riz and shady... Lookin balllerrrr. I envy ur setup. :joint:


Well-Known Member
guys.. lets smoke some really dank weed and put ourselves inside the shoes of the OP and his workers... think about how awesome it would be to walk up and down those isles in his grow room... how awesome it would be to have selected the breed to clone and get growing .... lucky SOB... one day ill have my own grow that is this enormous


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt that those bags are 30 gallons.:lol:
oops high mistake bongsmilie :dunce: they look about half of what I said. I thought 30 since I had some 30 gal bags for outdoor but folded them in half so they probably held about 15 and they looked about the same size as Riz's.

still want to know how long they're vegging tho. they have a lot of room to do them pretty good sized