

New Member
Only the label....

The starter is the more appropriate term. For weed BUD production, you'd want 10-10-52.

The middle nute (P) helps to build a strong system and is vitally important in boosting the amount of flowers. But to get big fat buds, you will need to spike the K upwards.


Well-Known Member
potassium is more important than phosphorus? i never knew that, ive never seen stuff w/more k than p around here....i guess i'll just have to bite the bullet and order some fox farm nutes


New Member
No, they are just misinterpreting it. You have to have the middle nute to promote system growth and vitality. This vitality will lead to more flowering...makes sense, right? However, to push a bud into becoming oversized... (the goal)...spiking K is essential.

The 10-52-10 is a great way to start plants off. At that point extra N will give the veg a push, but the building blocks for flowering need to be set early. that's where the 52 comes in to play.