10 day bubblebomb and 14 day afghan mazaar


Well-Known Member
o u made ur own seeds cool...
im likin the growing weed thing m8 so many things that i can do:-P

so did you put your plants into flower from day one?


Well-Known Member
some i have and some not but i am now strictly 12-12 from seed from now on and trying to get to 750 watts in small cab. yeah lods of stiff to this growing.you going to breed? cross?


Well-Known Member
:-Plol thats abit far forward for me!!
i dont really know what im doing i keep reading but its not helping me!!
it seems everyone has a different way of growing and i dont really know enough about it to follow them in the way they grow


Well-Known Member
i haven't really kept up with the site for a couple of days... but i looked back and noticed you said you dont veg anymore


flower from the start?

i hope you say yes...becuz this will be my new technique from now on..ha


Well-Known Member
i haven't really kept up with the site for a couple of days... but i looked back and noticed you said you dont veg anymore


flower from the start?

i hope you say yes...becuz this will be my new technique from now on..ha
:weed:yeah m8 strictly 12-12 from seed, its quicker, less electric, nice bud and saves putting all your eggs in a few big baskets:weed:


Well-Known Member
wow.....I'M ON IT, ha.. but i'll just veg for 2 weeks for like 20 hours and then flower... i still need more light


Well-Known Member
thc bomb? ha... i'm just a bagseed kind of guy... not into ordering, don't trust them

but 600W is pretty far from what i have... need to adjust

thanx for the info


Well-Known Member
tasty as always mate:D
disapear for a couple days but you always have something worth checking back on!
might be just the guy to ask aswell as u 12/12 straight fi beanstage - whats the largest lady youve had to fit to flower?
i ask because im puttin the sog plan into action n was gona grab a couple clones n 12 them as soon as poss but its not the biggest space eh.

Id give the i hope everythings going good banterous chatter but i can see everythins better than good dude!
Keep at it


Well-Known Member
hello chazel, best so far 12-12 from seed was about 4.5 wet 1 dry and it would have filled out more, i bend main cola over if i think its growing up to much, flowered some rhino clones at 6 and 7 inches, finished at 12 inches max and harvested between an 1 and 2 oz wet per plant in 6.5 weeks.this time im serious about 12-12 so i expect more.my space is 18 inch deep,29 wide by 33 ish hi.