10 Days into flower ran into problem


Well-Known Member
I have 6 fem. seeds, all showed the female hairs but now 2 of the 6 grew a couple penis looking things on the bottom of the stem does anyone have an idea if this means hermi? can i still get buds if they are hermi? sorry no pics


Well-Known Member
can't help without pics. could be you have a couple of hermaphrodites, could be a couple of seed pods, either empty or fertilized by stray pollen.


Well-Known Member
It might. Does it posses the hairs and banana looking things? Is your space completely light proof? Id double check for light leaks.


Well-Known Member
there are no hairs on them, what do you mean banana looking things? and im sure there are no light leaks but could it turn hermi if the lights were off 24hr. straight


Well-Known Member
where can stray pollen come from?
well outdoors, it would require hermies or males to be within a couple miles with a lucky wind. indoors, if hermies or males released pollen and the room wasnt cleaned well enough (bleached) then some could have remained as well.


Well-Known Member
this is my first grow so i dont think its that. they are white long bumps......Also another problem the bottom leaves of my plants are drooping i think because they are recieving no light so should i cut them off?


Well-Known Member
dont cut anything off. do a little research into Low Stress Training to open up the bush and allow better light penetration. if those 'long white bumps' truly are hermi bananas, the it was introduced either through some sort of stress, or you got unlucky with your fem seeds (a small percentage of Feminized Seeds just hermi on their own).


Well-Known Member
Look into getting some Dutch Master Reverse. It's a 2 part foliar spray that will help, or even completely stop any male growth in hermaphroditic plants.