10 Fem auto ak, 1 reg blueryder, 1 reg dieselryder and 3 freebies fem


Active Member
:weed:thought it was 7 but its six for the oldest bitches seeming they are all different ages. think i burned a couple wit da purple maxx but im feeding watter, bio, an mollasses


Active Member
now they only getin purpmaxx once a week at 1/4 per tsp. i was feeding with everyfeeding and i was foier with it so i think i overdid it a lil bit. from now on they will only get small doses with it. i will feed with it, not foiler feed


Well-Known Member
inside this particular tent we have auto ak from lowlife, auto hindu kush from lowlife, dieselryder from JD, and blueryder from mdanzig.
Tallest bitch is Blueryder
yo man, im pissed about my diesel fems. one was a male and one didnt autoflower. the other im making seeds with but yo dude if u wanna try some good yielding regular strains im going to go with nirvanas papaya same shit as mango really. but theyre supposed to pack on resin and be almost 100 percent indica with real fat heavy buds. im going to just go with 10 papaya fem from attitude to get those 15 freebies for december. anyway i was gonna veg the papaya for 5 weeks and see if i cant get 2 zips per plant after 8 weeks of flowering. autos are starting to fuckin urk me when i put my yield on my scale.


Active Member
jus checked it out 400 an i dont think they ship to us. if they did tho i would give it a shot. im more of an indica lover than sativa. kush all day
thats cool, im into the indica's too for almost every reason their better (my opinion of coarse)
but i like the thought of afew sativas sticking it out until snow,
If i order some of them ill do a seedrun & possibly ship you some.


Well-Known Member
LOL i love that tall plant just towering over the others. I like how its tall but it still auto-flowered. You should get a good yield from that one. A tent full of those would have been sick. This your first grow? Those bitches look bangin'


Active Member
yup V my first grows.......lol! @ sxf yeah buddy this whole grow ive been skeptical thats y if u been followin the thread ive been undecided if i was startin more autos when i harvest the first ready set or veg some reg feminized strains. i decided to do the autos cuz i can sog um out heavy under 1200 watts to make up for the short yield genes of the autos. i figure if every month for half a year i can keep a nice staedy flow of buds coming in worthy of retail then it will be more than enough to hold me over till bout april/may to start my reg strains, and since i buy alot of seeds i got a ton of freebies waitin to go into rooters for a reg sog in the tents


Active Member
it is but i would have 2 say they are a tie in my book, that og when its cured right will give you a head rush out this world, and the kushberry you cant hit it with out a choke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
yeah buddy. i have alot of freebie fems from the tube but i also ordered 10 bubba kush from greenhouse. i think im goin to shoot over to the tube right now an grab a couple fem packs of that kushberry


Holy shit! 250 for a Q? Damn, most I ever paid was 120 for a Q and I thought that was bullshit. Is your clientel more upscale or have people really gotten to be that stupid?

Good for you that you have the people lined up to line your pockets. In this economy you have to pay the bills somehow.
I got a Q of some of this special homegrown shit for 25 the other day :bigjoint: it pays to know people.


Active Member
do that fam its worth it, the good thing about that is you might be the only 1 in the city with it until i get back LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I got a Q of some of this special homegrown shit for 25 the other day :bigjoint: it pays to know people.
25 is great, but 250, i never would have thought that much..
i pay 45 max. for really nice hydro,
makes my mouth water thinking about it.