10 gallon fish tank box


New Member
so I was planning a grow after my failed first attempt. This time I was thinking about using a 10 gallon fish tank. I have a sheet of tempered glass covering the top of the tank. the side of the glass has two holes in it to vent the tank.
For my lighting I'm using a 150 watt metal halide bulb encased with a hud and an exhaust fan, it's currently running at 72 degrees inside the tank.
I'm planting in one 8in diameter pot that is 2in deep. my strategy is going to be an lst net or "Screen of Green". maybe I'll top it or maybe not. I'll cross that bridge along the way.

I would appreciate some advice on this set up bc it is my second grow and the first one was a complete bust. I learned the growing power of a these plants and it is amazing.

cheers happy growing and thx for any input.

Prince Albert

Active Member
I've seen it tried before. It ends up being a huge pain in the butt. Even if you make it a true terrarium, you'll end up with tiny plants that produce buds no bigger than your pinky toe nail. You'll have humidity problems, drainage problems, & mold problems. You would have better results if you just planted it in a plastic coffee can and set it on your window sill.


New Member
is their any way to control the humidity to stop mold? yield is not a concern I have many pieces of material for a grow, I even have the previous 4x2x2 box I constructed It's just to much for my room.


New Member
so today I checked on the progress of my fifteen seedlings in this tank. good growth rate, the temperature and humidity have settled into 15% at 77' degrees all the time.
new additions to the tank:
I coated the back and sides of the tank in mylar.
I cut two 1.5 inch holes in a 1/4 inch piece of sheet wood to have ventilation on the top of the tank.
my hid light is in the hud and separated from the tank grow area by two layered sheets of tempered glass.
humidity gauge and temp gauge placed in the tank "there purpose was to be magnetic clips for reptiles tanks.
the hid ballast is not in the hud for temp control since it is a small space with 150 watts.

I put the 1 week old seedlings into 12/12 lighting today to identify a girl amongst them,when I can i'll choose one and start my LST experiment.

cheers wish me luck please, many people are wanting to know how to do this and I think I can manage this one. THE 10 gallon fish tank grow box "full stealth"


Well-Known Member
I tried to grow in a ten gallon fish tank when I was just a young kid. It might work well for starting seeds but that's about it. You won't yield much of anything with plants that tiny.


New Member
10 gallon glass tank not so good. You will rot everything
can I stop this with good ventilation.

my aim at this time is to have a small bonsai style plant as a showcase. I'm already expecting a small yield so I just want to say I can do it.