10 plant grow (blues and armors)


so here i start my 3rd grow the other 2 were about avrg turn out the 1st grow being grape fruit (these were cuttings) and the 2nd being bagseed which turned out to be a decent strain.

now on to my room sit up............
let me first list what i've got

150mm Vortice Lineo extractor fan (385 - 550m/hr)
2 x 400 watts ballasts
2 x 400 watts mh bulbs
2 x 400 watts hps bulbs
1 x 125 blue spec cfl
1 x 125 red sec cfl
1 x 250 red super veg cfl
the cfl were from my first grow
20 m of maylar
20 m of white black out sheeting
1 x 12" oscolting fan
1 x water cooling fan (not as good as i thought it would be)
1 x tower fan
2 x 150mm cooltube reflectors
20 m of ducting for the cooltubes and to
4 x easy up and down light holders
vent to outside
self built sealed grow room only downside is its in my attic

now on the the grow meadium

100l of coco pro soil
6" rockwool
2 x heated proagatator
20 x11l square pots for the plants

the nutes

root juice
top max
leaf foiltor
coco a and b feed
ph down grow and bloom (the water in my area a lil high 7.2)

right thats about it for the room set up like i've said at the start i've just started my 3rd grow which was started only 4 days ago from cutting from someone i din'it no there not the best cutting i've seen in the world but then again i've seen worse there 2 strains i chossen to grow this time round is 5 x blues and 5 x armors im this thread i hope for the pro growers to drop by and help me grow some really nice herbs im going to try amd get some pictures up loaded in the next few days so in the meantime please fell free ask any questions orwhatever ya wish to ask but please no haters i grow the way i wont to grow just looking for so help and to share this with your lot.


yea i know chaps its just my mrs had my new born baby daughter so happy lol the pictures should be on here latest being tomor look forward to hearing yout comments


thanks merahoon congrats to you to mate there just so funny to watch ant they ? ............ any way moving on to the grow i've just got my pictures so ill be added them so but im a lil worried about my plants, i've had them under the 400 mh bulb for 4 days but lil grow is happening which is worrying me a lil as my last grow from cutting shoot of as soon as i replanted them any ideas on this matter ?


heres the pictures i promised not the best but it really had to get all the room into one pictures so i broken it down into 4 pictures lol comments please chaps



my light are roughly 90 cm from the plants i tried a lil closer but the leaves started to burn so i moved the light up again im growing in coco pro and the bottom and top of my pots i have clay pebbles many at the top for topping the soil off cause on my last grow the light was drying the soild on top way to quick for my liking.


alright the first picture of the the light rail i've made for easyness of moving the light up and down and also so im able connect the ducting and the extractor fan to the same pool so the hole unit moves together if that make sence lol:joint:

the other 2 pictures are close up at my blues just really worrying my whenever i've got cutting i've always transplanted straight away from them tiny cuttings pots straight into 11l square pots and always had 100% transplanted recored



i've just changed my lights round insted of just having 1 400 mh bulb im now running 400mh and a 400 hps hoping this to increase grow as like i've stated befor having trouble getting these lil fuckers to start rapid growth even a lil growth id be happy lol. i've been feeding them with rootjuice and ph down (grow) im going to feed them with just pure water see if this helps any ideas out there ?


Are your clones from a flowering plant?

this is something i cant confirm as these are off a mate of a mates of a mates mate lol i've asked but not got a straight answer so trying to do the best i can with the cuttings ive got why do you ask any way mate ?


Well-Known Member
Well I was curious because they looked interesting and then I looked as close as i could in your pics and I think I noticed single bladed leaves. Its not necessarily a bad thing it will just take longer to get those things going. How long have they been in veg and whats your light cycle?


Well I was curious because they looked interesting and then I looked as close as i could in your pics and I think I noticed single bladed leaves. Its not necessarily a bad thing it will just take longer to get those things going. How long have they been in veg and whats your light cycle?
whats single bladed leaves mean sorry they have been in veg for 6 days under 400 watt mh now there is 400 mh and 400 hps.