Corporal punishment is not allowed in our society today.i cant beleave that so many people think its ok to take things that dont belong to them. i think the problem today is parents never say no to their kids what ever they want they get and if there parents cant get it for them they just steal it i think it maybe lack of getting there ass whipped from there parents. we all blame the kids but maybe its the parents falt .
Try this, when your child does something that truly warrants it, give them a few open handed spankings - leave one red mark on their behind and stand by for heavy rolls. If you get reported (even kids can do this & they know it!) to your local social services and you WILL go to jail, and have to take anger management classes, and substance abuse classes (if drugs or alcohol were involved in any way), and if you own any firearms be aware this is considered domestic violence so your guns will go away. Oh, and also stand by to be on the internet list as an abuser etc....
Our society has removed the parents purgative for corporal punishment. If your kids don't listen it is very likely that they know your rules have no teeth & they now have more rights than you do.
Is this the parents fault or society's fault?
Think this is Bull shit now?