I hate how the internet has become. I'm old school in terms of that, I was surfing the web when you still had to hear a dial tone and AOL/56k modems were the shit. Its like I literally witnessed something evolve..into something worse. It would be like a 2,000 year old human witnessing how fucked the world has become.
Anywho, blame social networking. Myspace, youtube basically made the internet a permanent fad. Back in the 90's it was like 1 out of every 10 people owned a comp..Now its like 8,9/10. Now the internet has become littered with people. That brought trolls, assholes, immature kids. Then, I realize "welp all of those large cooperations and advertisement companies will start taking advantage of it"..Sure enough it happened. Can't view a video or go to a website without seeing ads..Then viral videos became more and more popular. So ad companies started desperately trying to make ads that would go viral. It failed. So now they just pay youtubers that get tons of views for product placement. After all of this started I went "welp now the government is going to jump in and start monitoring if not controlling shit"..Sure enough it has happened. I won't be a bit surprised if 5-10 years laws are put into place to ban websites of this nature.
People definitely make it easier for the government. Considering people feel the need to share every single detail of their life on the internet now. Back in the old days, you used an alias and never your real name. Even when signing up for shit like facebook..Now people don't hesitate to put their full name/address on websites. So much so even employers are taking advantage of it and requesting facebook info to see what kind of person they are.
It's sad if an emergency or something bad happens..Instead of most young people trying to help..their first reaction is to pull out their camera phone and start recording..While thinking to themselves "this shit is going on youtube zomg ima get so many hits!" The second we step foot out of our door we now have no privacy what so ever. You have to worry about ending up on some website if you're dressed weird or w/e. Theres nothing you can do to stop someone from snapping your picture and uploading it. Getting your ass kicked in public was bad enough, now rest assured instead of it being seen by a dozen of people it'll be seen by a couple million.
But it hasn't been all that bad. It has brought people together. It does make learning about other people and cultures easier. Take this very website for instance. People can now share their knowledge, their grow techniqes to see what gives the best yields,etc with others. 20 years ago, we couldn't do that.