10+ Rep bars? Let me hear your voice RIU addicts and old schoolers

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The following are considered spam:
* Very short posts that do not add value to the current discussion.
For example, a post with only the words "yeah me too!" are spam.
* Double posts. If you posted something and realized you made a
mistake, use the edit/delete option. If you make another post adjacent to
your previous post, the new post will be considered as spam.
* Off topic posts will be either removed or moved to the appropriate
place, depending on moderator.
* Posts that obviously serve no purpose other than uping one's post
counts. This is up to the moderators to decide.
* Posts like "XXX, I have a question for you" are considered spam.
They should be done via private messaging.
* Starting a new thread when a similar thread has already been started.
* Restating one's vote in a poll thread with no explanation.
* Any other posts that we deem inappropriate for other readers.
* Responses to spam posts should be considered as spam and be
removed. However, spam warnings should not be given in such cases except in severe cases.
* Restating someone else's opinion, or reanswering a question that
has already been answered. Some members up their post count by
reanswering a question in exactly the same way. "Yeah, what he said."
* Posts that contain large amounts of smileys and/or spaces to make
it look like they contain useful information often don't. Be aware of
those tactics to quickly up post count.

I would have expected FAR more of you Fdd!!! Shame!

Matt Rize

I would have expected FAR more of you Fdd!!! Shame!
dude, you are trolling fdd. This is obviously a long term love-hate affair you two have going on here. April cracked a joke it was funny haha at us. fdd made a serious point that I agree with. It is an opinion, and we all have one. Someone has to keep it too real. For the sake of the site, and out of respect for the massive amount of work fdd has put into this site (you can now see the admin forum for details), why not put this energy into something constructive? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Sooo im about to buy a kiln and torch any suggestion?
Just finished building a vented work space.
Oh shucks wrong forum :(


Well-Known Member
dude, you are trolling fdd. This is obviously a long term love-hate affair you two have going on here. April cracked a joke it was funny haha at us. fdd made a serious point that I agree with. It is an opinion, and we all have one. Someone has to keep it too real. For the sake of the site, and out of respect for the massive amount of work fdd has put into this site (you can now see the admin forum for details), why not put this energy into something constructive? Thanks.
the site owner added the "like" system to try to relieve some of the rep whoring. our shining new mod seems to think it's funny to make a mockery of all that. i neither love nor hate the guy, simply doing my best to ignore him. :eyesmoke:

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
dude, you are trolling fdd. This is obviously a long term love-hate affair you two have going on here. April cracked a joke it was funny haha at us. fdd made a serious point that I agree with. It is an opinion, and we all have one. Someone has to keep it too real. For the sake of the site, and out of respect for the massive amount of work fdd has put into this site (you can now see the admin forum for details), why not put this energy into something constructive? Thanks.
So he can blatantly break the Mod Rules but I can't say anything about it? :( I haven't even said anything slightly against him. One post of sarcasm, the rest legitimate responses. You seem to have a relationship with him similar to a lonely puppy following his master around. You don't follow him around but the analogy was to the 'looking up' and 'standing by his side' aspect. xD IDK Just saw your avatar and it sprang to mind.

I NEVER troll Fdd. Not that he's not worth it. Oh yes... Not that he's worth it. :)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
the site owner added the "like" system to try to relieve some of the rep whoring. our shining new mod seems to think it's funny to make a mockery of all that. i neither love nor hate the guy, simply doing my best to ignore him. :eyesmoke:
Oh hell yah.

I've had that opinion since its inception. The like system is a mockery and therefor deserves mockery.

Do you consider you saying "Our shining new mod" as an insult since you consider me calling you "Your highness" an insult? Or are you just going to glaze over this part of my post as you did back then. :)


Well-Known Member
rep whoring will never stop.What we need is a separate system that shows how knowledgeable a grower is.
And we were just making a joke about it and enjoying the site,nothing serious.
imo likes are a stupid idea and were probably added cause most top sites got them.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
so this is no longer the "baby deer" thread? :?

i have a yard full of hummingbirds as well. i even blow my own glass feeders. i got hundreds of pics, of hummingbirds.

where's baby? :?

you know, the little baby deer that was here last week? i miss her. :(

Where's my reps. :(