10 steps to destroy USA


Well-Known Member
Robert Welch gave a speech in 1958. I summarized the first part myself below, but to get it all you have to watch the Youtube Video of him giving the speech.

1: Greatly expanded government spending for every conceivable means of getting rid of ever larger sums of American money as wastefully as possible.

2: Higher and then much higher taxes.

3: An increasingly unbalanced budget, despite the higher taxes.

4: Wild inflation of our currency.

5: Government controls of prices, wages and materials, supposedly to combat inflation.

6: Greatly increased socialistic controls over every operation of our economy, and every activity of our lives. This is to be accompanied naturally and automatically by a correspondingly huge increase in the size of our bureaucracy and in both the cost and reach of our domestic government.

7: Far more centralization of power in Washington and the practical elimination of our state lines.

8: The steady advance of federal aid to gain control over our school system leading to complete federalization of our public education.

9: A constant hammering into the American consciousness of the horror of modern warfare.

10: Consequent willingness of the American people to allow the steps of appeasement by the government.

Did this distinguished gentleman see into the future with crystal clear vision?



Active Member
That was just plain analytical judgement that any economist can forsee for any country that bases its economy on loans taken from a private bank


Well-Known Member
I don't even see why everyone is obsessing with this. No one is going to get off their hairy asses and do anything about it - at least not when they're in debt to the gills, about to lose their home and swimming a million miles per hour to stay afloat. Just like we always do, we're going to wait until something HAS to be done then wade through the shit and bitch about how it was the liberals or the tidy righties instead of doing something about it when it was just a little problem. This is coming to pass because as a country we are lazy and pampas, spoiled and armed with a big ego. We never do anything preventative, we just do it then have a knee jerk reaction fit. And frankly a country like that kind of deserves what it has coming to it. I mean how long should we have expected to live the way we have been with no repercussions, no reactions to our actions and no price to pay? Yes, it's going to really suck and I hate to say it but I for one think it's time to stick a fork in this beast - it's done. And it's well outside any of our hands. Enjoy peasanthood!