10 week strain no frost yet?


Well-Known Member
Is it normal for a 10 week strain to have barely any visible trichomes before week 5? I think they're around week 4, didn't really keep track.

Or am I doing something wrong with the nutes? They look really healthy, putting on weight, and the leaves are still dark green... but there's just barely any trichome production.

They were getting a 1-2-1 nute with an 18/16 pk booster, but I just changed it to a 2-2-3 nute and dropped the pk booster, cus the ends of the hairs seemed to be drying out. After switching to the 2-2-3 the new hairs don't have dried out tips.

I plan to finish off last 4 weeks with a 1-5-4.

guess I'll take a pic tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
They look great dude.

Paitence. They'll frost up faster than you know.

Keep doing what your doing, healthy looking plants with delicious looking buds. In a few weeks you'll look back on this thread and say "Wtf was i so worried about?! Look at these buds!"


Well-Known Member
they will come around. the stuff the company says (i.e. 10 week flower period) is b.s they cant really tell how long it will take for a plant to be finished


Well-Known Member
Is it weird that I have another Aussie Blues outside that hasn't flowered yet? It's been outside for like 2 months now. It's still in the stretch. Seems as if it's about to though. Does it need a PK boost maybe?