lol thats so fucking hilarious how people dont think certain type of marijuana will not turn amber, so what are you saying they are different types of plants? a sindica? a revoulutionary plant that never matures, give me a break
ps - yes i can say why, BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE DONT LET YOUR PLANTS MATURE LONG ENOUGH. im sorry but fuck people do some reading about the biology of cannabis, do people juist read shit off this website and pass it down cause its on here? why would a plant not mature? people say indicas need about 8 weeks, in the 10 years ive grown, ive picked 2 strains at 8 weeks, TWO, ive grown hundreds of strains and have never thoiught to pick before at least 9 weeks, do you know why? because THEY ARE NOT READY lookat the trichs your trichs should be at LEAST 50 percent amber for your weed to be any type of decently potent, unless they are, the canabinoids DO NOT form all the way and are not ready for MY personal consumption, when i smoke weed i like to get fucking high not half high and disapointed cuase i picked my plants a week earlier because i couldnt wait after waiting the 150 days i did to veg and flower it. im sorry im ranting im just so sick of people harvesting premies it drive me crazy, also typical sativas (you know the real ones, not the ones that says 12 weeks flower) typically take anyuwhere from 15 - 20 weeks to flower, and if you dont beleive me look at any journal or ask any REAL grower who has grown sativas, they are tropical marijuana, their flower monthes are very long, in fact they never end in some places, marijuana flowers all year around, again sorry if i came off as a dick but ALL MARIJUANA MATURES by saying they dont get amber is saying a plant doestn finish, if a plant doesnt finish YOU didnt let it, if YOU didnt let it its your fault, not the trichome, SCISSORS DONT KILL PLANTS, PEOPLE DO!!!!!!!