10' x 10' flowerig room

dont you guys get sick of posting the same shit over and over for people who refuse to search?

Its like ground hog day in every damn forum around here.
Fyi i actually do research things smart guy... I ask question because i wanna make surw the info i collect is accurate.. what better way to do that than to ask ppl who actually grow good bud.. im not tryna buy a $5 bag of dirt. Im spending thousands of dollars on this project and i dont want it to go to shit jus because i didnt ask the questions i had..


New Member
Fyi i actually do research things smart guy... I ask question because i wanna make surw the info i collect is accurate.. what better way to do that than to ask ppl who actually grow good bud.. im not tryna buy a $5 bag of dirt. Im spending thousands of dollars on this project and i dont want it to go to shit jus because i didnt ask the questions i had..
Don't mind him. He's got nothing better to do but troll around and hate on people.

View attachment 2079545


New Member
Fyi i actually do research things smart guy... I ask question because i wanna make surw the info i collect is accurate.. what better way to do that than to ask ppl who actually grow good bud.. im not tryna buy a $5 bag of dirt. Im spending thousands of dollars on this project and i dont want it to go to shit jus because i didnt ask the questions i had..

dont mind him u are doing it same way i do when i have a plan i ask others and weigh the responses


Well-Known Member
I'm not wearing any underwear.:hump: No seriously, WTF are you guys talking about and whats a search feature and why would I use it. Sometimes I get so confused. "Like the sands of an hourglass so our the days of our lives". (B. Franklin C.1779)


New Member
I'm not wearing any underwear.:hump: No seriously, WTF are you guys talking about and whats a search feature and why would I use it. Sometimes I get so confused. "Like the sands of an hourglass so our the days of our lives". (B. Franklin C.1779)
no doubt
if everyone used the search function we wouldnt have shit to talk about


How do you all navigate in your rooms when the rooms are full of plants? Donutpunched for example... 6k of horizontal lighting in a 10x10 room. I guess I could imagine a 1ft walkway down the middle, with 3x1000w on each side. But then three 600w vertical bulbs in the middle. I don't understand at all! I'm looking to set up a 9ftx9ft room and don't see how I'm going to have more than 60sq ft of canopy space.

I am running 6k overhead and then run 3 600's verticle down the middle row, It is a sealed room horizontal lights are air cooled, verticles are not. 24k BTU split AC keeping it cool...


New Member
How do you all navigate in your rooms when the rooms are full of plants? Donutpunched for example... 6k of horizontal lighting in a 10x10 room. I guess I could imagine a 1ft walkway down the middle, with 3x1000w on each side. But then three 600w vertical bulbs in the middle. I don't understand at all! I'm looking to set up a 9ftx9ft room and don't see how I'm going to have more than 60sq ft of canopy space.
dude not trying to be a dick i see u new but its not cool to so called thread jack
without asking op if he minds im sure he wont mind but some here will go off about that
or u could have just pmed donutpunched


New Member
How do you all navigate in your rooms when the rooms are full of plants? Donutpunched for example... 6k of horizontal lighting in a 10x10 room. I guess I could imagine a 1ft walkway down the middle, with 3x1000w on each side. But then three 600w vertical bulbs in the middle. I don't understand at all! I'm looking to set up a 9ftx9ft room and don't see how I'm going to have more than 60sq ft of canopy space.
I don't think Donutpunched ever said anything about a 10x10 room. He just siad the amount of lights he had. You have to adapt your grow to the space you have. I have room around the outside to walk all the way around my plants. If you have a 9x9 space then depending on where your door is you set your plants and lights up so that you can get to the plants and equipment. Simple.


dude not trying to be a dick i see u new but its not cool to so called thread jack
without asking op if he minds im sure he wont mind but some here will go off about that
or u could have just pmed donutpunched
All my previous posts on Rollitup were deleted when it was hacked days ago. It was just one simple question regarding the lighting setup of a 10'x10' room... which the OP asked about... and donutpunched replied to it saying the layout of his/her room. And since the OP asked about a 10'x10' room, I presumed it reasonable to assume that donutpunched had a 10'x10' room as his/her response did not state otherwise. Being a forum, I thought open discussion was appropriate, as I wasn't asking donutpunched specifically.... others mentioned using +4000 watts without specifying layout, so I asked... I thought I'd make a fairly on topic post here on the judgement that making a whole new thread would be redundant and cause more clutter than necessary... my bad.


New Member
All my previous posts on Rollitup were deleted when it was hacked days ago. It was just one simple question regarding the lighting setup of a 10'x10' room... which the OP asked about... and donutpunched replied to it saying the layout of his/her room. And since the OP asked about a 10'x10' room, I presumed it reasonable to assume that donutpunched had a 10'x10' room as his/her response did not state otherwise. Being a forum, I thought open discussion was appropriate, as I wasn't asking donutpunched specifically.... others mentioned using +4000 watts without specifying layout, so I asked... I thought I'd make a fairly on topic post here on the judgement that making a whole new thread would be redundant and cause more clutter than necessary... my bad.
its cool bro i really dont care i just said that cuz u seem new here and seen on other threads guys go apeshit maybe i should have just pmed u that instead of posting
hey welcome to riu bro
sorry about your threads u going to start new ones


New Member
All my previous posts on Rollitup were deleted when it was hacked days ago. It was just one simple question regarding the lighting setup of a 10'x10' room... which the OP asked about... and donutpunched replied to it saying the layout of his/her room. And since the OP asked about a 10'x10' room, I presumed it reasonable to assume that donutpunched had a 10'x10' room as his/her response did not state otherwise. Being a forum, I thought open discussion was appropriate, as I wasn't asking donutpunched specifically.... others mentioned using +4000 watts without specifying layout, so I asked... I thought I'd make a fairly on topic post here on the judgement that making a whole new thread would be redundant and cause more clutter than necessary... my bad.
I think donutpunched was really just using the amount of lighting he had to illustrate a point about the size of the a/c. I don't think we can assume he has the same size room. Or at least that is how I feel about it. Anyone running that much light in a 10x10 room would be seriously frying their plants.


Well-Known Member
FAB., This thread is definitely jacked. Just between me and you dude Fuck the search feature. I like the personal 121 contact. It gives me people to sing koombaya with. Once a thread involves tactical face palming there is no going back.. this thread feels a lot like the jerry springer show except we have a 20,000 dollar grow room that is big is my master bath. It also hurts to see people quarrel. ROCK ON And all we are saying Is give peace a chance. Screw peace.