10 x 10 x 11 room Where do I start..... Uhhggg...


First of all I want to start by thanking of of the contributors for sharing their plethora of knowledge on the daily...
I've been stalking this site for months like voyeur lurking in the dark corners slowly siphoning out your knowledge for my own personal gain.... ha!

Enough Babble and lets get down to business...
I have a 10x10x11 area to grow in and I'm stumped on how to best utilize it. As of right now I have 1-600 watt HPS/MH, vegging 2 Strawberry Cough and 2- East Coast Diesel. I'm using coco hand watering and eventually want to build a drip system. My problem is this, I need to figure out the ventilation. I understand the basics of ventilation but my situation is somewhat unique so I'm calling on YOU wise individuals, men and women, the Great Minds, with the vast experience of many lifetimes to help me sort out my issues (free of charge, of course). So come with me, lets unite and figure this problem out for a Greater Cause that has yet to be defined.

My area is a 1800 sqft pole barn that is sectioned off. The back half is like a garage, not heated and the front half is like and office area with 2-10x10 rooms and 1 large 20x20 main area. None of which is heated except my little 10x10 grow room, which also has insulated walls but no windows. There is an attic that runs the whole length of the building that I can utilize if needed. I only want to run 1-600 watt right now until I gain enough experience to move on to more lights but I'm not sure how to vent.

All of the rooms connected to my 10x10 area don't have heat or AC. How would I regulate the temps and humidity in my room if I'm sucking fresh air from areas that aren't controlled? Do I need to section off my 10x10 room into smaller areas or is their a simple way to make my entire 10x10 space usable, keeping in mind possible future expansion

I'm also wondering if I'm only growing 4 plants right now in a 10x10 space how much fresh air do I actually need? I mean realistically I have 1100 worth of air volume, how much does a plant require? I understand growing in a closet with a big mama stretching from wall to wall taking all the room you would need to continuously feed her fresh air. Conversely though, if you had a large space with only a few plants how does that work?

So there ya go... anyone out there able to guide me to the light? Instill some of their infinite wisdom upon me and help me formulate a game plan

Discarding all of my babble, here are my basic questions.

1. Growing 4 plants in a 10x10x11 room, how many air changes do I really need?
2. Should I section off the room for my grow or make the whole 10x10 usable for future expansion.
3. Since none of the other rooms are climate controlled where and how do I pull fresh air from (I live in a Michigan climate)?

Thanks in advance for your help :)

your Favorite Noob
Ya post some pictures. It sounds like your building has you sitting on a goldmine. The growop I'd wire up in that badass building would be, well, badass.

10x10 room is pretty large for just 1 600w. I personally would enclose part of that room, say a 5x5 area, or split it in half 5x10 and put another 600w in there. Otherwise you should have 4-6 1000w's running in that 10x10 room.

If you've got money, you might as well just build the whole room. Go buy an actual AC to run that room sealed and keep the temps. Get co2 and you'll be set.


I share the same enthusiasm as you!! Trust me, I'd love to be running on a nice monthly cycle, bringing in a nice crop every month or so. Problem i'm just learning. Young grasshopper must crawl, walk and then run. I thinking slow and steady wins the race in this game :)

I have a an AC, From I can tell Co2 would be outrageous to run in a room that size.
Thanks for the vote of confidence though!!!

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
How much coin u have to spend also matters, even with the 1 600 I'd want a fresh air intake and an exhaust system. Those 2 things r reasonably cheap. Some timers and a temp and humidity gauge and your good to go plus a few other tid bits.


Well-Known Member
I think all you need is Co2... and no it won't be outrageous to run if you grab a cheap CO2 generator and a decent controller. I don't think you're in danger of your temps getting too high with only 1 600 watt lamp in a 10x10 space. When you add more lights you'll need a/c though.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I think all you need is Co2... and no it won't be outrageous to run if you grab a cheap CO2 generator and a decent controller. I don't think you're in danger of your temps getting too high with only 1 600 watt lamp in a 10x10 space. When you add more lights you'll need a/c though.
Good advice right there. That way u won't need any ventilation or intakes. Fucking I say do it. Get some fans blowing in that motherfucker too.


I like the idea of a closed system!! That would keep bug and pest problems at bay. I could also run a nice hepa or ionic type filter to keep mold and dust under control. Will need to swing by the old hydro shop and get some prices on that.
In the back of mind I'm thinking "Keep it simple Stupid". But really if I price out ventilation and all that jazz Co2 may cost about the same? i'll have to check it out.
Great Ideas! Thank you!

Keep in mind I'm a straight up noobie, I've ever grown a pot plant in my life. However, that being said I'm no stranger to the vegetable garden. Here's a snap shot of some of my chickens and 30 yards of grade "A" cow poo from my farmer neighbor, delivered last weekend! its gonna be a good season!!!!

Thanks again for the advice!
