• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

100,000 of us. and all we get is decriminalization


Well-Known Member
There is absolutely NO FUCKING QUESTION in my mind that alcohol is a whole lot worse than Cannabis. There is no telling where I would be right now in life were it NOT for alcohol. I quit smoking pot in college, and started drinking alcohol. The damage I did to my self and family stands as a shining example of what alcohol will do to you. There is NO SUCH THING as moderation for the alcoholic, and I spent 25 years trying to push excess to it's limits. Fortunately for me, I met a great woman who was willing to "overlook" my short comings just long enough for e to see that if I continued down the trail I was on, I was going to lose everything that I hold dear, like her, my kids, and everything. I now compare alcohol to crack or heroin. They are all equally physically (and mentally) addictive.

The examples you used to say that pot is dangerous don't hold water, as your examples are more an abuse or misuse of the drug than anything. Like you said, there is a time and place for everything in moderation. Even cough syrup tells you not to operate heavy equipment, or drive when using it. Smoking pot while on an oil rig, while welding, bungee jumping, or any other activity that could result in serious injury or death proves a lack of good judgement rather than any danger of marijuana use.
You say your uncle and cousin had lung disease. I'd be willing to bet that they were ALSO tobacco smokers. Pot would certainly exacerbate any condition brought on by tobacco use, but in and of itself, would not be the primary cause for lung disease.
A drug can be considered dangerous if it has inherent risks for serious or life threatening side effects, kinda like those fast talked disclaimers that our pharmaceutical ads list for already FDA approved drugs. (May cause a sudden drop in BP, anal leakage has been reported in some cases..........Hmmmm sound great! Gimme some of THAT!!
i said all things all drugs abused are harmful,if you think pot when abused is not harmful you either nieve or im not going to say,i have many friends and family battling the addiction of pot,i used to be an all day toker it took alot of will power to quit being a pot head and have a hoot when i wanted not when my mind gave a signal every hour.as for not beeing a cause of lung desease says who you,or have you smoked pot all day every day for years.


Well-Known Member
No smoke is good when inhaled, however there are none of the tars and nicotine found in pot smoke that one gets in tobacco, nor does any dealer I KNOW PERSONALLY put any of the purposefully addictive substances the tobacco industry puts in their product.
As for me smoking day in day out for years, I don't really see where that has any bearing on research/studies done, since I didn't participate in them.
Marijuana is no more addictive than, say Peach ice cream. I fucking LOVE that shit. I get cravings A LOT!!. I have really been known to get up for a midnite snack, and if we didn't have any, I'd make a 25 min drive to the store to get some at 2:00 am. Would you say I'm addicted?
Who told you you were addicted? Someone in the addiction recovery field? Did or do you run out and pawn your wedding ring when you run out of dope? Did or do you commit robbery or theft to support your habit? Do you have physical withdrawal?
You might very well have a psychological need for it. ANYTHING we do in excess can do that to us. We get used to doing something and habit is a bitch to quit.
Ever lose your job because of pot? I'm sorry dude, but an addiction to THC/CBD/CBN is not supported by any empirical evidence, and there are a whole shitload of studies that refute the very idea if marijuana addiction.


Well-Known Member
Good post pirate. Also, nicotine itself is EXTREMELY addictive.....probably the most addictive recreational drug. Go find someone who is addicted to heroin and find someone who is "addicted" to marijuana and compare the 2 people. Sure, you can be "addicted" to marijuana by your own definition...and sure.....people can "fuck up their lives" on marijuana...but marijuana doesn't HAVE to do that....nor does alcohol have to do that...nor does any drug, really. Most people just don't know when to stop, can't stop, or abuse it to the point where it messes them up big time.


Well-Known Member
Actually, pirate, there has been a recent study that shows cannabinoids seem to inhibit cancerous growth. :)
I've seen people claim this, but so far nobody has been able to recall where that info is or find it. My mom had half a lung removed earlier this year due to cancer from cigarettes and now they just found pre-cancerous legions in her colon.

What's left of her lung seems clear still and good, and if pot has any potential whatsoever to keep the pre-cancerous legions in her colon from turning cancerous or even give hope that could be huge.

If someone can help find that study it might help me convince her to try it. She will not try it otherwise, her doctor insists tar is tar smoke is smoke and she's not going to buy some vaporizer to try a drug she's learned to hate all her life on a rumor she thinks is more bs like the whole "could save the planet thing".

Any help would be appreciated...

If nothing else maybe it will aid some of her anxiety over the situation.


Well-Known Member
No smoke is good when inhaled, however there are none of the tars and nicotine found in pot smoke that one gets in tobacco, nor does any dealer I KNOW PERSONALLY put any of the purposefully addictive substances the tobacco industry puts in their product.
As for me smoking day in day out for years, I don't really see where that has any bearing on research/studies done, since I didn't participate in them.
Marijuana is no more addictive than, say Peach ice cream. I fucking LOVE that shit. I get cravings A LOT!!. I have really been known to get up for a midnite snack, and if we didn't have any, I'd make a 25 min drive to the store to get some at 2:00 am. Would you say I'm addicted?
Who told you you were addicted? Someone in the addiction recovery field? Did or do you run out and pawn your wedding ring when you run out of dope? Did or do you commit robbery or theft to support your habit? Do you have physical withdrawal?
You might very well have a psychological need for it. ANYTHING we do in excess can do that to us. We get used to doing something and habit is a bitch to quit.
Ever lose your job because of pot? I'm sorry dude, but an addiction to THC/CBD/CBN is not supported by any empirical evidence, and there are a whole shitload of studies that refute the very idea if marijuana addiction.
who said i was addicted,the drugs did,they dictated when i used them not me,you seem to have a problem with that.obviusly that has not been a struggle for you,but in my almost 50 years it has.and if you have a problem with me addmitting that i accepted my addiction,i say who the hell are you to tell me how or what i feel.stick to what you know,do not tell someone who has fought addiction their entire life that it is not a problem ok man.because if you tell me your addicted an an na meeting im not going to stand up and call you a lier,so dont ask stupid questions like who said i was addicted because it makes you sound young and ignorrant ok.


Well-Known Member
When you are willing to suck dick to get your fix then you are addicted.
its not the only way to make a buck on the street although i know many that did,am i saying my pot addiction was as bad as me cranking t and r,s, or speed balls no,but was it a struggle to stop being cronic yes,it was a battle every day,did i get violantly sick as other addictions,no way,headaches and depression and mood swings were the top ones,not constant shakes,crawling skin,massive mood swings,and vommitting for a week,and staying awake for a month even after daily handful of v,s.do i know people trying to quit pot right now,yes quite a few,mostly because they say they have become couch locked,tarred lungs and cost.i grew up with all addicts,birds of a feather flock together,if someone is comfortable with how much they hoot or the odd ciggerete or a beer when ever,then they are comfortable with it,im talking about the many who battle it every day for what ever reason.am i glad i dont wake up in the middle of the night to spark up each and every night,yes.like i said it should be legal,but i will never except that it is tottally harm less or that their are no people addicted to weed.


Well-Known Member
its not the only way to make a buck on the street although i know many that did,am i saying my pot addiction was as bad as me cranking t and r,s, or speed balls no,but was it a struggle to stop being cronic yes,it was a battle every day,did i get violantly sick as other addictions,no way,headaches and depression and mood swings were the top ones,not constant shakes,crawling skin,massive mood swings,and vommitting for a week,and staying awake for a month even after daily handful of v,s.do i know people trying to quit pot right now,yes quite a few,mostly because they say they have become couch locked,tarred lungs and cost.i grew up with all addicts,birds of a feather flock together,if someone is comfortable with how much they hoot or the odd ciggerete or a beer when ever,then they are comfortable with it,im talking about the many who battle it every day for what ever reason.am i glad i dont wake up in the middle of the night to spark up each and every night,yes.like i said it should be legal,but i will never except that it is tottally harm less or that their are no people addicted to weed.
the addiction is all mental. ive been smoking weed for 20 years and ive had to stop for legal reasons and it was no problem at all i stoped for almost a year and did not go through any type of side effects.ciggaretts-cant quit em but im down to 4 a day- cocain- was addicted for 8 years 4 of those years where trying to quit it was hard but i did it on my own -smokin weed no freakin way... i quit burnin and didnt look back til i was able to again and wanted to because i like to get high not because of any phisical addiction
if you think its addictive than maybe its just you and your frnds, i know some ppl have harder times with addiction, everyone is diffrnt after all. i know ppl that done coke less than me that had to go to rehab to get off and still go to meetings and i was able to do it myself with no help... its a weak mind that makes you think your adicted. good day sir


Well-Known Member
ive been quit for almost 6 monthes,woke up one mornin and decided i didnt want to buy the shit any more,but i have been jonesen for the shit thats growin in my closet...is this addiction? lol


Green Thumb of God
I am addicted to weed and smoke it abusively.

I'm high all the time" I'm cool, calm, relaxed and deal with stress well. Great for my job and dealing with other people regularly.

I have a good full time job: Weed has never impacted my ability to work and I have maintained full time jobs my whole life. I am a business analyst and work with many fortune 500's. Weed has always just kind of gone a long with the job of analyzing stats on a computer and discussing my opinions on how to improve things. It's kind of just a high thing to do I can't imagine how boring it is for my sober coworkers.

I am a good parent: PTA, Homework/reading/family time every night, sports etc....

Fairly anti social limited friend network. Most of my friends aren't as succesful as I am and don't necessarily fit into my lifestyle beyond smoking weed. It is hard to make new friends that want to hang out with a guy who has to smoke weed every two hours.

I'm not the best husband. Sometimes I get moody and I don't like to go out very much. We don't argue very often at all and have a decent relationship but she doesn't get my 100% a lot of the time due to weed.

Sleep: I don't sleep well at night and often have to wake up and smoke a bowl in the middle of thenight to go back to sleep. I also need a lot of naps.

Activities: All activities are limited to those I can smoke weed while I do or that are short enough that I can smoke weed before and after without wanting to smoke half the time.

That is my self analysis of my life as a pothead


Well-Known Member
i wish people would stop beating them selves up about pot.
most people have MULTIPLE prescriptions in america.
also if your over 60 ...
expect to have up to 12 prescriptions for yourself
and spend hundreds of dollars a month ..
until your dead
i will only have one prescription my whole life.

and it grows in my basement.


Well-Known Member
I've seen people claim this, but so far nobody has been able to recall where that info is or find it. My mom had half a lung removed earlier this year due to cancer from cigarettes and now they just found pre-cancerous legions in her colon.

What's left of her lung seems clear still and good, and if pot has any potential whatsoever to keep the pre-cancerous legions in her colon from turning cancerous or even give hope that could be huge.

If someone can help find that study it might help me convince her to try it. She will not try it otherwise, her doctor insists tar is tar smoke is smoke and she's not going to buy some vaporizer to try a drug she's learned to hate all her life on a rumor she thinks is more bs like the whole "could save the planet thing".

Any help would be appreciated...

If nothing else maybe it will aid some of her anxiety over the situation.
I am so very sorry about your mother, Oregon, I wish her the best. I recently lost a dear friend to metastasized lung cancer this year. He was a very heavy smoker of tobacco.

I cannot directly link you to certain research papers as there are legal issues to that access. But, the information is out there! Let's get started.
Cannabinoids May Inhibit Cancer Cell Invasion
Marijuana May Fight Lung Tumors, Cannabis Compound Slows Cancer Spread In Mice, Researchers Say - CBS News
Cannabinoids Halt Pancreatic Cancer, Breast Cancer Growth, Studies Say - NORML
Smoking pot not a major cancer risk: report - General - redOrbit
Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection - washingtonpost.com

Then, do a search for her here: Google Patents
Look for cannabinoids, etcetera.

I have a friend who used to work for the FDA (how, looking the way he does, I do not know), he's very helpful in finding and providing the kind of information that doctors would and SHOULD be reading.


Well-Known Member
I wish you and your mom the best Oregon. I dont know what I would do If i had to endure that with either of my parents.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Seamaiden, thank you thank you thank you

I talked to her about it and showed her the articles and I think it planted a seed, we'll see. She didn't jump at the idea or seem excited or anything, but amazingly she didn't say no right away either.

And thanks Snyder, I'm doing ok though none of this comes as a shock with her and I've had plenty of experience to strengthen me for this type of thing. All her life she's had one thing after another. A near fatal car wreck, Collapsed lung, brain anurism with a 15% chance of survival and 90% chance of brain damage which she came through 100% almost , brain surgery for that, and so many different surgery's for other things I can't even count.

Cat's may have 9 lives, but my mom...


Well-Known Member
yea. i feel ya oregon... im smokin a J fer ya man. my grandma the same way. them brain anurism's mess the people you love up so crazzy... there never the same no matter how much therapy they get...


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry for jumping in off topic
i was reading pages 1 - 7 and needed to put a point in before i finish reading the thread
first of all, I am in Canada and the NORML website doesnt support the laws for Canada, so where can i find out the penalties for my area

Also, if you have a Facebook account, JOIN THE NORML CAUSE, not the group, go to causes and join NORML

there are alot of people on that cause and it grows ahaha pun intended, every day
the more people joining internet groups and websites the better, invite all your friends



New Member
Thank you Seamaiden, thank you thank you thank you

I talked to her about it and showed her the articles and I think it planted a seed, we'll see. She didn't jump at the idea or seem excited or anything, but amazingly she didn't say no right away either.

And thanks Snyder, I'm doing ok though none of this comes as a shock with her and I've had plenty of experience to strengthen me for this type of thing. All her life she's had one thing after another. A near fatal car wreck, Collapsed lung, brain anurism with a 15% chance of survival and 90% chance of brain damage which she came through 100% almost , brain surgery for that, and so many different surgery's for other things I can't even count.

Cat's may have 9 lives, but my mom...
I am quite sorry for your mom's illness.

I think you should feel her out some more in the kindest possible way and at the right moment, introduce her to brownies. Everyone loves brownies!!

Good Luck!!

out. :blsmoke: