100 B52 - 3 White Widow Afghani - 3x Growboxes - 1.95KW - DWR'S Personal Medical Adve


Well-Known Member
Growing along nicey mate!

Interesting way you water the coco, my mate used to do something similar, I am assuming you don't get much run off when feeding then.... I'm surprised that those small pots would last 3-4 days without water. How's the weaker clones u gave your mate in room 1 doing? I am sure they'll bounce back well.

lol :D

yeah there bouncing back better than expected :) :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
And Shhh to answer the runoff question, i have to build one asap !!!!!!! for two rooms :D

hihi... but yes try to minimize it now, but still goes out likea mofo !

not so good i know :) cheers


Active Member
Those room 1 clones are looking good now mate, I thought as much as I had some dodgy ones that looked similar to yours the day after you posted pics of em, and today I can't tell the difference between those and the great ones, lol... Well it is a weed n' all that!

I will have my trays balanced on a couple square 11L pots akin to the wilma ones that are tough as shit, held in place with some heavy duty velcro... The other end of the tray will dip a little like an NFT tray and run off will pour into one of them tuff crate type storage boxes you can get in homebase, wilko's, B&Q, quid shop :D etc... Down a bit of spreader mate to stop the drip.... drip noise.

You ever thought about getting a wet/dry vac (about £40) that way you can let all the run off hit the deck and just hoover it all up!


Well-Known Member
Those room 1 clones are looking good now mate, I thought as much as I had some dodgy ones that looked similar to yours the day after you posted pics of em, and today I can't tell the difference between those and the great ones, lol... Well it is a weed n' all that!

I will have my trays balanced on a couple square 11L pots akin to the wilma ones that are tough as shit, held in place with some heavy duty velcro... The other end of the tray will dip a little like an NFT tray and run off will pour into one of them tuff crate type storage boxes you can get in homebase, wilko's, B&Q, quid shop :D etc... Down a bit of spreader mate to stop the drip.... drip noise.

You ever thought about getting a wet/dry vac (about £40) that way you can let all the run off hit the deck and just hoover it all up!

yeah i got a bucket below the table in room 1... :)

cant wait for your journal hit me up when its on :D peace yoooooooooooo


Well-Known Member
day 9 room 1 - day 1 Flowering


Waterd with

20ml a & b Coco House & Garden
6ml root exelurator
20ml multy zhyme

(all for 20 litres of water :D )

ec: 1.2 - ph: 5.8

Water temps: 25.3c
Room Temps: 25.8c


Well-Known Member
day 6 Flowering - room 2


Waterd with

20ml a & b Coco House & Garden
6ml root exelurator
20ml multy zhyme

(all for 20 litres of water )

ec: 1.2 - ph: 5.8

Water temps: 25.3c
Room Temps: 26.7c

1 plant is realy bothering me .... fucking stretched, bad growing should of left the fucking window open and not let it get over 30c !

damn, she realy went off ... all others have a nice internode space ;) im happy.. with em all... 59 of em are good.. 1 of em is crap.


Well-Known Member
day 10 veg room 3


Some clones are looking crap, some are looking excellent... what u gona do... :)

gona send them in to flower in a few days :bigjoint:


Active Member
day 6 Flowering - room 2


Waterd with

20ml a & b Coco House & Garden
6ml root exelurator
20ml multy zhyme

ec: 1.2 - ph: 5.8

Water temps: 25.3c
Room Temps: 26.7c

1 plant is realy bothering me .... fucking stretched, bad growing should of left the fucking window open and not let it get over 30c !

damn, she realy went off ... all others have a nice internode space ;) im happy.. with em all... 59 of em are good.. 1 of em is crap.
There's always fookin 1 ay :bigjoint:lol...
I couldn't tell though they are all looking pretty good to me mate. Room 1 is now rawkin too....

That bloody root exelurator must work out very expensive at that kinda ratio, is it cheaper than rhizotonic or B'cuzz root stimulator? 6ml per L sounds like lots man... I screw up my face everytime i have to add 4ml per L of rhizo :evil: glady that only last while they root into cups and a few days of veg.


Well-Known Member
There's always fookin 1 ay :bigjoint:lol...
I couldn't tell though they are all looking pretty good to me mate. Room 1 is now rawkin too....

That bloody root exelurator must work out very expensive at that kinda ratio, is it cheaper than rhizotonic or B'cuzz root stimulator? 6ml per L sounds like lots man... I screw up my face everytime i have to add 4ml per L of rhizo :evil: glady that only last while they root into cups and a few days of veg.

lol no 6ml for 20 litres ! :D damn yo :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
day 6 flowering room 2

4 out 40 plants have stretchd unexpected :( I know why, i had the light to close to the plants = more energy = more growth .... damn it ! should of left them atleast 60cm above the plants to get a nice good height...

not saying im not happy with it, but i could of done better, like in grow room #1 or in 3.... lol

leaving the pots to dry out till next watering, prob be tomorrow around the afternoon.



Well-Known Member
day 2 flowering - Room #1

Coming along fucking excellent ;) Good job i put the lamp up higher knew it was bothering them allot, + im thinking the the DarkRoom growbox sucks !

the reflection sucks... i need white walls, im gona exchange my darkroom for a homebox !.... next round only homeboxes 1x1meter.. will be running 4 rooms then.