100% sativa or indica. Non-hybrid?


Hi there guys! i am new here i am looking into a strain that is just in its purest form non-hybrid or mixed or anything either 100% indica or 100% sativa. would anyone know any strains that someone could recommend?

thanks for reading :D


Well-Known Member
Find a non californian strain with the name of the country its from in the name or clues to its origin. Landraces or country specific strains arent very good most of the time so i dont know why youd want to grow mountain or jungle weed. Get something worth your time unless theres some other reason besides smokeing to pursue.


Well-Known Member
I say indica or even hybrid based on the fact that sativas take time to flower (long flowering period), Hope this helps :D


Well-Known Member
look at ace seeds
i would not go for landraces as they are very hit and miss go for a inbred line of a pure sativa or indica
or even a cross between two indica or two sativa

are you sure you know what you want ?


Well-Known Member
Smoke Top,
Landrace strains are getting harder to find. Reeferman used to have a few but not sure anymore, Afghan is one pure Indica that you'll find in most modern hybrids and may still be available as a pure strain. Also I understand that several strains from Pakistan are also available...I'm talking Chitral.

Be aware that a pure landrace sativa is going to be a beast to grow. Tall, low yielding, nute sensitive and long finishing. That's why there are so few of them available. I have some Burmese sativa seeds and Yoruba Nigerian seeds...but I can't recall where I bought them. Good luck...


Well-Known Member
Smoke Top,
You should have told us you were a first time grower. I would suggest that you buy some inexpensive indica dominant seeds and learn to grow. Then once you're confidant that you won't kill them...go for some high buck seeds like DNA Genetics Pure Afghan. Forget about sativas altogether.