1000 HPS SOG plants barely yeild an eighth.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies. I just got back from my grandmas 90th b-day party and saw some of my cousins who grow as well and he was telling me to switch to coco and that would cure the problem. How about hempy buckets?


Well-Known Member
If I didnt grow in Ebb&Flo I would use Hempy Buckets. I have seen some amazing yields with those things by beginners. Very easy to grow in.


Well-Known Member
Mate, does your tent have a white liner on the inside? If yes, you may have a 'toxic tent' Symptoms on plants are as follows: It starts with a MG deficiency which progresses to an overall nitrogen deficiency, after that new growth stunts and the bottom leafs start to bleach out and gradually start dying off. Easy test to see if it is your problem, take a plant out and see if it starts recovering with in about 7-10 days.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, nothing you do short of removing them from the space will help them. Root system will also be under developed since the plants can not process the light anymore once they start to get poisoned. I can't believe that no one that has posted in this thread brought this up as a possible cause?!


Fatty Nugs

Active Member
check your PH of the water with the Nuts in it. And keep on top of it. 95% of plant problems come from not watching the PH..... between 5.5 and 6.5... easy as pie buddiee.....


Well-Known Member
I acctually keep the PH of my plants at a constant 6.2 run off water.

And yes My tent is lined with a white plastic vinyl. Funny thing is is that the new modles of sun huts come with a reflective metallic interior and are advertised as "non-toxic" yet sunlight supply never made a recall or said anything formally telling customers that the original may be toxic like hydrohut did. So Im taking the skin off and hanging reflective partitions and some how figure out how im goig to extract the heat out of the room. If this doesnt work Im shutting down the 1000 watt and growing in my closet with the 400.