1000 Things to do while stoned

1377-GET THE highest score at scrabble with squeezey, but then some smart bastard comes in with (easy peesy lemon squeezy) and gets the world record. no fuckin way.
1381 Glad to read people doing the very same as me in life,

1382 read back to see was this not 1000 things to do and read we are at this number, wow how time flys man.
1383 go and make yet another spliff (a fat 1) well it is happy wed.
1384. Find a new place to hide your stash
1385. Slide down the stairs on your belly
1386. Do the moonwalk
1387. Try to pole vault
1388. Post every single smiley face RIU offers; :hump::cry::joint::confused::neutral::?:-|:-?:evil:kiss-ass:peace::mrgreen::roll::eyesmoke::sleep:;-):bigjoint::!::dunce::lol::cuss:bongsmilie:blsmoke::twisted::finger::-(:?::wall::fire::leaf::idea::-o:o:arrow::weed::clap::-P:sad::hug::spew::cool::):(:-D:mad:8-):wink::grin:8):???::|:eek::rolleyes::shock::D:-x:x:-):smile::p;)
1389. Watch Bad Santa (funny ass movie)
1390. Import pandas through mexico
1391. Fight a panda
1392. Fight a kangaroo
1393. Poke a bear in the face
1394. Get plastic surgery on your face
1395. Break a board over your head
1396. Take some tylenol
1397. Go fishing for sharks
1398. Mate with a mermaid
1399. Get a bag of Big League Chew
1400. Download Grindhouse
1401. Go paint some illegal graffitti
1402. Get on rollitup.org
1402. Roll a blunt
1403. Go to the pet store
1404. Go to wal-mart
1405. Make a homemade glass bong
1406. Get a tattoo
1407. Skate
1408 - Mop the kitchen floor, with way too much floor cleaner added, so you can slide around :mrgreen:
1409 - Try to position myself on my chair in away that doesn't hurt my recent ass to slippy floor collision injury :cry:
1417 Get out of bed, think what to do on this damp cold thur afternoon with no cash, A yipp smoke more weed to block out said day.
1419 look up to the roof of my home while sitting at pc and ask : where am i going this shity day on this herb trip ? i do hope i get back safe and sound.
1420. arrange wiv the women to go christmas shoppin and then cancel to go get stoned wiv ur mates!!