1000 Things to do while stoned

i love foosball played that shit everyday after school in HS
172.watch show about Einstein and string theory then change the channel to Bill Nye
173. Watch Eraserhead
174. Smoke some more.
175. Watch Inland Empire.

By this time you're ready for a comedy.

176. Watch The Big Lebowski.
177. Check on your new plants.
178. Go to bed and get ready for another week of work. ugh!
Every faithful foosball player I knew was a stoner practically so we'd just car pool out and get high and go to the gameroom and play foosball and talk shit for hours. I once made a grown man cry because I dinged on him and talked shit about it. The single most fun game to play while high.

179. Electronic Music... really makes my mind wander
181. figure out new ways to roll a joint
182. watch ice melt in a glass of water
183. smoke more weed
184. drink a glass of milk
Smoke more weed is on there like 20 times.

Heres something thats not.

185. Have sex in the back of a voltswagon.
188. play the random word game, say a random word/thought, but it can't be something you see around you, or too close to the last thing said (way we play) - people will either be really good or get confused as hell
Smoke more weed is on there like 20 times.

Heres something thats not.

185. Have sex in the back of a voltswagon.

HA yeah if its not yours. I smoked in my beamer and thought yeah thats a great idea everyone does it...

HA HA HA my ass theres spluge on the seat and that shit was there for a week before someone got in my car and was like wtf is that...

Yeah it wasn't icing off a donut...

Horrible idea never do this, just L-ride back to your fuckin bedroom. I mean why the car if you have a big ass bed with some nice cozy blankets and shit.
192. Smoke a joint at your local Government building :D
193. Count the days down to 420
194. Sit in Tim hortons and listen to the police convers, and sip on a large cofe(BEST TRIP EVER)

195. Breakup with ur girl.
196. Smoke a joint on your school.
197. Egg your school.
198. Watch grandmas boy.
199. Try World of Warcraft.
200. Go to Mcdonalds and order double cheeseburgers(Like 6 of em)