Here is the deal, I am new at growing.. I have a 5 foot wide by 5 foot tall and 12 feet long grow room made of concrete. I started out with a 400 watt open reflector hps with 8 ladies looking real good also using cheap ass walmart ventilation set up. Then I got this bright idea that I should up grade my light didn't think it would be a problem cuz its so cold here, but it turned out to be a bad idea. I bought a 1000 watt hps open reflector light and I fried my plants. I pretty much made an easy bake oven. So I took down the light for now and put on the 400 watt back up. Now my plants look like shit but I think there will be survivers and I have lots of seeds to start again. But my questions are. Is it possible to cool down that 1000 watt for my room using a tube reflector like this and a big ass blower fan like this or do u think I should just give up on the 1000 watt idea. If it possible to cool the light, how close can the plants grow to it? and also shoud I by a tube reflector for the 400 watter and put them on the same line? Or is it impossible to cool that big light down and use it in a small space so to write. any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, facts, appreciate it thanks..