1000 watt hps


Active Member
hello i recently got a great deal on a 1000 watt hps system, i already had two plants going under cfls and they are in there fifth week of flowering..my problems is i only have two plants and dont need all the power and i live in a apartment where the plants are growing in my closet..but at the same time my plants are going to yeild so much more if i use it..its up and runing now and its just alot im kinda thinking of using the hps for half the day then the cfls for the other half to save energy costs which i assume are gonna be alot...lets me hear ur guys' opinions on this.


Well-Known Member
Yea 1k is a bit overkill for 2 plants... you have any plans to add more plants next time around?

As far as your switching back and for between HPS and CFL, I don't know. In theory it would work as a money saving measure, not sure what it would do to the plants. I guess the HPS might simulate the direct sunlight while the CFL's would be more comparable to a cloudy day. Most days have some intense sunlight and some cloudy periods. At the very least me posting this will bump you back to the top where someone with more experience can help you.


Active Member
yeah i am a medical patient and i rather grow my meds..so yes, in the short future i will grow more plants..my friend has a 600watt i want to trade him for my full 1000 watt setup..awesome deal for him ahha and i need the 600 badd hah


Well-Known Member
Well depending on how many plants you're going to add you might wanna keep the 1000. You should be able to do some Google'ing and find out how many plants you can grow with a 600 vs a 1000. If it fits your needs, trade your buddy.