1000 Watt MH and 2000 Watt HPS first grow

You will curse us now but be thankful later when you don't have a bunch of useless little nugs on the bottom of your plants lol
You and Olive Drab Green are right. I cut them down quite a bit more. They look good and I know it was the right thing to do, it was just hard to do. Thanks guys
I also found out in the last couple days that the electrician I hired to install the 2 circuits I needed did not do it safely. He installed what is known as an Edison circuit (MWBC) using a strand of Romex 14/3. Which is fine except for the fact that the breakers are on the same phase and share a common neutral. This could cause 30 amps to go back on neutral. 14 gauge wire is only rated for 15 amps. Big no no. Called the company he worked for and he is no longer working there. So they are sending their service manager tomorrow to take a look. I bought a Quadplex breaker today that I am hoping he will install. This will allow the Edison circuit to be run on 2 different phases but also make room for another circuit that I need...