Also, shocker, I don't actually smoke weed

That is a shocker because I had you down as a hardcore smoker Haha...I have to confess I had to stop smoking as well because as much as I loved it found I had trouble getting much done...But I highly rate Cannabis as a medicine and a recreational pastime, if everyone used it or at least tried it I can assure you the world we live in today, would certainly not have turned into this chaotic soup we currently reside in.
Hard to say because I grow perpetual and usually just pull down whatever is ready. I'm averaging about 1.6Lbs every two weeks, that's only what's vendible though. I'd wager maybe 3.5 lbs per 4*8 without running monocrops, I could probably push 5lbs if I gave a shit about canopy management. I grow some stuff because it finishes really fast but doesn't yield super well (frostiest stuff I have though), I really pay more attention to variety and my intimacy with a given cultivar than yield. That said, I just brought in all this Exotic gear that I'm really liking so far. I've been really wanting to monocrop a blueberry varietal since I've never really had a good one (alien blues is completely different than a typical blueberry). My LBR45 from Exotics is looking exquisite so far, I'll probably start some monos of cuts I pull from this run, and I'm planning a big breeding run if I find a good male in the next few months. Who knows, I grow for love, but I'll go ahead and say that I make a pretty decent living with two 4*8 COB setups. Expect to see some records broken in the coming months on this thread, I'm extremely capable and I'll start keeping tabs.
Sounds like you have got your act together, well done look forward to seeing the results at the end of this thread
I've got a lot of patients that are end-of-life or immuno-compromised (chemo patients mainly), so I keep everything basically sterile in my gardens to minimize risk.
Chemo...never understood the logic of radiating someone....Big pharma is corrupt as hell, right down to those bloody vaccines they innoculated us with, which have in turn compromised our immune systems...FACT a healthy immune system will stave of diseases.
A healthy diet also plays a major role in errr... staying healthy, after all you literally are what you eat, therefore it is no surprise that cancer, heart disease, diabetes are all on the increase right around the time people switched from home cooked nutritious meals to fast food junk and supermarket processed crap, before the big switch how often did people get cancer???
Not sure whether you have heard of Max Gerson, if not I strongly suggest you tell your chemo patients about him because Max Gerson literally cured people of cancer through diet including his Doctor friend, I highly recommend people watch this video, particularly to the lady near the end who had endured chemo to no avail, and was literally at the end of her life.
Another Fact cancer cannot survive in an Alkaline environment nor an Oxygen rich environment...Cellular oxygenation would destroy it...Therefore why is hyperbaric oxygen therapy not the first port of call in dealing with cancer???
Because of corruption pure and simple, once you look into the history of allopathic treatment and the ones who promoted it globally, you will come to find the disturbing truth...
For instance look at the etomology of the word "PHARMACY" ....from Greek pharmakeia "use of drugs, medicines, potions, or spells; poisoning, witchcraft; remedy, cure," from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "preparer of drugs, poisoner, sorcerer" from pharmakon "drug, poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment." Meaning "use or administration of drugs" is attested from c. 1400; that of "place where drugs are prepared and dispensed".
Are you starting to see the diabolical plan of big PHARMA
But it is not all doom and gloom we just need to recognise the agenda and go back to our roots, starting with growing our own food supplies!!!