1000w Citizen CLU048 1212 Garden

@ky man

@Flaming Pie

@Uncle Ben

@desert dude


are you gonna let this guy libel you welfare recipients as welfare recipients?


all trump supporting right wingers BTW. LOL!
No. Is he talking about social security disability? What exactly is he talking about?

Social Security disability (aka ssd or ssdi) is not welfare.

It's as easy as that. I worked hard through the short time I worked to gain enough "benefits" as I guess people call them? But, it's because I paid into the system, it's not welfare.

Anyone who thinks it is.. Is just 100% wrong.

Oh, and wtf. I didn't even see the part about supporting Trump. That's funny. Good one man.
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Cherrypuffxjoseph. 10 by gage green

I feel like these Cherry Pie crosses are the new cookies. That's the father of this girl (weird, structure inherited by the father). It seems like Durban goes insane when you cross it with modern hybrids. I love anything cherry, the smell on this Twizzler is dead-on "new car smell". It's got that Durban mutation that cookies cuts have with the tiny thumbnail buds that are rock hard. Not a great yield, but it's the girl I've been working on for over a year to perfect an optimal growth technique on.

****and please stop shitting up my thread with off-topic political nonsense.


  • Twizzler 3070.jpg
    Twizzler 3070.jpg
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Well, since I've been brought to this thread, I might as well add someone of value, even as miniscule as it is.

I have an animal pie in flower now. Animal cookies x cherry pie. Biggest stems and biggest leaves I've seen in a while. Stretchy af. I don't have any flower pics on my phone, it's only 3 wks into flower anyway.
Just a new mama plant a couple weeks into veg here. Cp crosses are Hella hardy and vigorous from what I'm seeing. I've grown cp. And animal cookies. Seems like a good mix
Well, since I've been brought to this thread, I might as well add someone of value, even as miniscule as it is.

I have an animal pie in flower now. Animal cookies x cherry pie. Biggest stems and biggest leaves I've seen in a while. Stretchy af. I don't have any flower pics on my phone, it's only 3 wks into flower anyway.
Just a new mama plant a couple weeks into veg here. Cp crosses are Hella hardy and vigorous from what I'm seeing. I've grown cp. And animal cookies. Seems like a good mix
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Yeah man those stems make me smile. I'll post some pictures of the Twizzler girls I have vegging tomorrow, weirdest structure I've ever dealt with. It's like a heap of plant. The nodes are super close together, covered in sesqui-trichomes, some shoots are limp as noodles, and it only throws three leaflet sets. So you'd think it's an unhealthy bullshit plant, and then the cuts root in four days. It's the most explosive growth I've ever seen, it's just not vertical growth. And then it finishes in 48 days. Fucking mutants man, nothing herms no matter how hard I stress it either, I've tried ice water, late flower staking, late flower lollipopping, nothing will reverse it. You just gotta love a freak like that.
Yeah man those stems make me smile. I'll post some pictures of the Twizzler girls I have vegging tomorrow, weirdest structure I've ever dealt with. It's like a heap of plant. The nodes are super close together, covered in sesqui-trichomes, some shoots are limp as noodles, and it only throws three leaflet sets. So you'd think it's an unhealthy bullshit plant, and then the cuts root in four days. It's the most explosive growth I've ever seen, it's just not vertical growth. And then it finishes in 48 days. Fucking mutants man, nothing herms no matter how hard I stress it either, I've tried ice water, late flower staking, late flower lollipopping, nothing will reverse it. You just gotta love a freak like that.
Right on, man, and totally.

The petioles on this animal pie are nothing I've seen, they grow downwards! Fucking wierd lol. The one I have in flower is a fucking beast in the stem dept, it definitely needs to be topped from now on though, I never topped it as I'm just testing it now and wanted to see how it does untopped first.

But damn, the stem is as fat as the 7wk plants are in flower, damn leaves are 18" long from petiole to tip of middle leaf, it's unreal. Hella great genetics, I have a bunch of other seeds to run if she doesn't produce the way I want, but I know the genes are there now from seeing what I see on this one.

Here's the leaf stems that grow down instead of up. Fucking trippy!

Have you seen this in your Cp crosses? I think it's cool, because if leaves get too big I tuck them under the canopy anyway, but this makes it easier lol
Yeah man check that photo of the Twizzler up there, the petioles are like 15 inches long and droop a lot. That's right where I want my leaves, as far away from the plant as possible. I've seen a straight cherry pie that's the same way, they never get very tall and bush out with a bunch of weird side growth. Weird plants are in vogue now, OGKB looks like it's been run over by a truck and everyone seems to be growing it nowadays.
Yeah man check that photo of the Twizzler up there, the petioles are like 15 inches long and droop a lot. That's right where I want my leaves, as far away from the plant as possible. I've seen a straight cherry pie that's the same way, they never get very tall and bush out with a bunch of weird side growth. Weird plants are in vogue now, OGKB looks like it's been run over by a truck and everyone seems to be growing it nowadays.
That's so wierd how these genetics grow. That's how my animal pie grows as soon as its topped, just sideways and all over, I wasn't sure whatz up with it but hearing that it's just what it does sets the mind at ease lol. Here's the ap like 2 weeks into flower, it's the 2nd from the left, the rest are it's sisters the animal cookies. Hella different! I gave them all about 2 weeks to veg and the animal pie was at least 6" shorter, all of a sudden it just shot up 20160727_203005.jpg
Yes I have a couple of those and the CLU056 3618's. Now I have the newest, which is the CLU058's. They also replace the CLU550's. I would use a holder, but yes you would run them in parallel if you use one driver or you run 2 drivers.
Also, shocker, I don't actually smoke weed o_O.

That is a shocker because I had you down as a hardcore smoker Haha...I have to confess I had to stop smoking as well because as much as I loved it found I had trouble getting much done...But I highly rate Cannabis as a medicine and a recreational pastime, if everyone used it or at least tried it I can assure you the world we live in today, would certainly not have turned into this chaotic soup we currently reside in.

Hard to say because I grow perpetual and usually just pull down whatever is ready. I'm averaging about 1.6Lbs every two weeks, that's only what's vendible though. I'd wager maybe 3.5 lbs per 4*8 without running monocrops, I could probably push 5lbs if I gave a shit about canopy management. I grow some stuff because it finishes really fast but doesn't yield super well (frostiest stuff I have though), I really pay more attention to variety and my intimacy with a given cultivar than yield. That said, I just brought in all this Exotic gear that I'm really liking so far. I've been really wanting to monocrop a blueberry varietal since I've never really had a good one (alien blues is completely different than a typical blueberry). My LBR45 from Exotics is looking exquisite so far, I'll probably start some monos of cuts I pull from this run, and I'm planning a big breeding run if I find a good male in the next few months. Who knows, I grow for love, but I'll go ahead and say that I make a pretty decent living with two 4*8 COB setups. Expect to see some records broken in the coming months on this thread, I'm extremely capable and I'll start keeping tabs.

Sounds like you have got your act together, well done look forward to seeing the results at the end of this thread;)

I've got a lot of patients that are end-of-life or immuno-compromised (chemo patients mainly), so I keep everything basically sterile in my gardens to minimize risk.

Chemo...never understood the logic of radiating someone....Big pharma is corrupt as hell, right down to those bloody vaccines they innoculated us with, which have in turn compromised our immune systems...FACT a healthy immune system will stave of diseases.

A healthy diet also plays a major role in errr... staying healthy, after all you literally are what you eat, therefore it is no surprise that cancer, heart disease, diabetes are all on the increase right around the time people switched from home cooked nutritious meals to fast food junk and supermarket processed crap, before the big switch how often did people get cancer???

Not sure whether you have heard of Max Gerson, if not I strongly suggest you tell your chemo patients about him because Max Gerson literally cured people of cancer through diet including his Doctor friend, I highly recommend people watch this video, particularly to the lady near the end who had endured chemo to no avail, and was literally at the end of her life.

Another Fact cancer cannot survive in an Alkaline environment nor an Oxygen rich environment...Cellular oxygenation would destroy it...Therefore why is hyperbaric oxygen therapy not the first port of call in dealing with cancer???

Because of corruption pure and simple, once you look into the history of allopathic treatment and the ones who promoted it globally, you will come to find the disturbing truth...

For instance look at the etomology of the word "PHARMACY" ....from Greek pharmakeia "use of drugs, medicines, potions, or spells; poisoning, witchcraft; remedy, cure," from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "preparer of drugs, poisoner, sorcerer" from pharmakon "drug, poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment." Meaning "use or administration of drugs" is attested from c. 1400; that of "place where drugs are prepared and dispensed".

Are you starting to see the diabolical plan of big PHARMA:(

But it is not all doom and gloom we just need to recognise the agenda and go back to our roots, starting with growing our own food supplies!!!
You mentioned

I've grown side-by-side runs with my 3590 tent and a 3070 tent with identical spectra at identical current draw with identical cooling and identical clones and, invariably, the 3070 tent whoops the 3590 tent with about 10% more weight on my girls.

What CRI was the 3590 and the 3070?

And did you use CXB 3590 and CXA 3070?