1000w grow. AK-47 tips turning black, help! 2.5 weeks into flowering


We have 8 plants under a 1000w lamp. The light is about 1 foot from the tallest plant. We use FloraNova bloom nutes, Bud Candy, Humic Acid and Magic Cal at a Ph of 6 and she's about 2.5 weeks into flowering, also she's potted in roots organic soil. The tips of the AK-47 leaves are turning black, whats wrong?



Active Member
ant other colors first of straight to black, i had a outdoor plant i used some cow manure on as a soil ammendment and used too much and it turned the whole plant super dark green the black by harvest and had the worst smell ever, so it could be way too much nitrogen or you amy have a ak47xthe black that would make you lucky.
Well, it went straight to the color that it is. I guess it could be the nutes, the floranova and humic acid are both pretty dark and thick. I am also thinking it might be heat stress, i need to get a thermometer for the room to make sure tho.


Well-Known Member
Well, it went straight to the color that it is. I guess it could be the nutes, the floranova and humic acid are both pretty dark and thick. I am also thinking it might be heat stress, i need to get a thermometer for the room to make sure tho.
is your 1000W in a closed hood? knowing the temps and humidity is kinda important...have you flushed them recently?
is your 1000W in a closed hood? knowing the temps and humidity is kinda important...have you flushed them recently?
Yes, it is in a closed '6 hood. We have a ghetto ass venting system, but it keeps fresh air coming in and pushes hot air out. We do need to invest in a humidity/thermometer, but for now the temperature is not higher than 85 deg max. We flush every other week with 3 plain water waterings. Since its the 2nd week of flowering we have just started flushing. Should we reduce the amount of nutes we add to the nute water? or should we flush more often?


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is in a closed luminare hood. We have a ghetto ass venting system, but it keeps fresh air coming in. We do need to invest in a humidity/thermometer, but for now the temperature is not higher than 85 deg max. We flush every other week with 3 plain water waterings. Since its the 2nd week of flowering we have just started flushing. Should we reduce the amount of nutes we add to the nute water? or should we flush more often?
should only have to flush every 2-3 weeks, by watering the plant until you see atleast 75% runoff...and i dont know about the nutes man, it depends, under a 10000W they should be able to take full strength just fine...but i would flush them hard...then when they get good and dry give them a feed..then take it from there
should only have to flush every 2-3 weeks, by watering the plant until you see atleast 75% runoff...and i dont know about the nutes man, it depends, under a 10000W they should be able to take full strength just fine...but i would flush them hard...then when they get good and dry give them a feed..then take it from there
Thanks for the info man, i need all i can get. So, what exactly do you mean by 75% runoff? the amount of water that drips through the drainage. + rep for the helps!