1000W in the closet?? venting help!! Diagram w/ pics!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys So I have a 4X6X9 walk in closet that I am thinking about putting a 4X4 table in. So far I have a 1000W digi ballast a nice large sun systems xl cooled hood with 8 inch flanges, and a 6 inch centrifugal fan rated at 270 cfm. I have been doing some research and have learned the best way to cool your room is to not let any of that heat get in there in the first place, So attached below is my diagram of how I want to set up my ventilation. My only question is if I seal off the light completely and take air in from my room and exhaust it out the window how do the plants get an exchange of air?? I will have fans in the room of course but it just seems like the plants will not get an exchange of air compared if I were to just vent the whole grow space...I will not be using Co2 for this grow either...any info or help will be greatly appreciated...thanks in advancegrow_closet.jpg
Scratch the tubing from the door intake vent to the light. Put a charcoal filter in front of the light, and use the fan to suck through it. charcoal filter>light>duct>exhaust>. You can put a speedster controller on the fan to adjust heat if the room stars to run to cold. The vent in the door becomes a passive vent, creating negative pressure. Run the fan 24/7 to bring in fresh Co2, and suck out the hot stink.



Well-Known Member
The vent in the door becomes a passive vent, creating negative pressure.
Zoo will the vent in the door will ALWAYS suck air into the room if his exhaust is on 24/7? I thought maybe it would let some smell / air leak out of the closet? (as the door has just got a vent and not a fan).. no?
For a 1M watt light I would go with a 6" filter/fan combo like this (http://www.4hydroponics.com/growroom/air2.asp?ItemNo=can-fan-combo). Just get some ducting and run it between the filter=sealed light===fan=vent. Don't use any reducers or your just throwing away CFM. If you use a quality fan, you should create enough negative pressure with a standard vent. Keep the vent close to the bottom of the door, so it'll bring in the coolest air in the room. I would put a timed air freshener in the room in front of the closet. You should be good on smell.


Well-Known Member
Scratch the tubing from the door intake vent to the light. Put a charcoal filter in front of the light, and use the fan to suck through it. charcoal filter>light>duct>exhaust>. You can put a speedster controller on the fan to adjust heat if the room stars to run to cold. The vent in the door becomes a passive vent, creating negative pressure. Run the fan 24/7 to bring in fresh Co2, and suck out the hot stink.

Ok so I have that exact can fan and it's a 270cfm( I calculated my airspace to be about 216 cubic feet, so I figure this is fine? Thats almost a full airspace every minute) I am not worried about smell whatsoever, do I still need a carbon filter? Seems I would get better flow without one no? Also do you recommend an intake filter as well?? seems like a good idea, but I guess non-filtered air would get in under the door through the cracks etc.

P.S. I have an 8 inch hood going into a 6 inch fan...will this reduction still hurt my cfm's??
If you have that big of a fan it's fine to have a 8" to 6" reducer. I would throw a filter furnace style filter on the inlet vent just to reduce the dust going in. It'll get built up in the light if your sucking a lot of air through it. I highly recommend adding a charcoal prefilter to the light. It'll also help reduce the amount of dust going through the light and it wipes out smell. It'll reduce the cfm, but will greatly reduce any unwanted attention late in flower.


Well-Known Member
ya I guess it couldn't hurt, I have had about 40 ladies in the backyard every season for years and never had a problem...and they stink for blocks haha. I do see what you mean about the dust factor though, I'm sure it would prolong the life of the fan as well...


Well-Known Member
Dust accumulation on the bulb could cause less lumen output and potential hotspots. You would have to clean the bulb and reflector about every week or 2 if you don't have a carbon filter. Now if you don't have many problems with dust then it probably won't hurt, but I'd still recommend it.