Nice Job! One hellva stalk,Should be a good yielder.
Looks to have a great root system.How long did you vegg her?Ey, Thanks man...
Yea its nice and sturdy, food strong genetics it woukd seem. Hope you're right regarding the yield...I dont really know what to expect as Ive never grown out any plant fullyunder the 1000w HPS. Im hoping for at least 4oz from that girl though... Time will tell.
She was vegged for 7 weeks...longer than I was hoping or planing for, but circumstances arose and I just had to keep putting off the potting up and flip. She was root bound as all hell (and so were the rest (and they were showing it)) but along with the rest she has recovered is pumping along again.Looks to have a great root system.How long did you vegg her?
Gonna read from the start and Subb,if your gonna keep the thread? 7 weeks should give ya a good yield.She was vegged for 7 weeks...longer than I was hoping or planing for, but circumstances arose and I just had to keep putting off the potting up and flip. She was root bound as all hell (and so were the rest (and they were showing it)) but along with the rest she has recovered is pumping along again.
I hope you're right man...4 or more ounces of the KB would be just lovely. To be honest, when I look at the plants and try to estimate yield based on previous grows with smaller plants and a smaller light, I reckon I could hit the 2lb mark. But like I said, Im not really sure what to expect as: a) this is my first proper run with the 1000w and 4x4 tent. b) I've never grown any of these strains before so not exactly sure how they'll yield overall. I'll probably be sorely disappointed...but really, anything over 20oz I'll be pretty chuffed with.Yea man, my KB wasn't nearly as big as that one is, and I got several ozs. I would definitely think you will get over 4 ozs.